Military sports competition "Қалқан "

Military sports competition

In honor of the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Victory Day in boarding school №2 was Militarysportscompetition"Қалқан", which was organized by KSU "SCHOOL LYCEUM №15 of Balkhash". Goals of the event: the formation of patriotic consciousness of students, respect for the military and historical traditions, the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, the increasing interest in military service, the development of volitional and physical qualities of the person, the formation of a sense of responsibility. Speech commands evaluated Methodist City Department of Education F.M.Rakhimov, captain of the military №31-765 A.E.Ukenov veterans M.I.Abdirbaev, S.I.Russkih, Methodist Youth Nagizbaeva S. T. and medical Worker lyceum №15 Atkeltirova M.S.

The result of the competition is as follows:

1st place – Lyceum №2

2nd Place - - a boarding- School№2

3rd place - school № 10.


Teams remaining schools were awarded a certificate of participation.