BY THE holiday OF "NauryzDuman" was held on competition "Kazakh national games" between 3rd and 4th grades.
BY THE holiday OF "NauryzDuman" was held on competition "Kazakh national games" between 3rd and 4th grades.
The purpose of competition:
- Development of a new Kazakhstan patriotism;
- Idealizirovnie national values, national education of the younger generation through the promotion of national games.
In this composition participated from the 3rd and 4th grade. The results:
I place took 3A, II place was shared between a 3G and 3Ә classes, and 3rd place took teams tetween 3B and 3B classes.
And among the 4 classes 1st place 4B class, 2nd place 4Ә class, 3rd place took 4 A class. 4B and 4D grades are awarded with certifacates for participation.
Date: 17.03.2015, 7:43 Author: CSI "Balkhash school-lyceum №15 after Alikhan Boke