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Frbruary, 3 teachers of Kazakh language and literature conducted the intellectual game “Сөзмерген” in the school-liceum №15 during a week devoted to languages.

Frbruary, 3 teachers of Kazakh language and literature conducted the intellectual game “Сөзмерген” in the school-liceum №15 during a week devoted to languages.

Frbruary, 3teachersof Kazakh language and literature conducted theintellectual game “Сөзмерген” in the school-liceum №15 during a week devoted to languages.

The aim of the competition was to bring up the love and respect for traditions and customs, and also to develop love for the native language and to widen pupils’ horizon.

By the end the pupils were awarded with the following prize-winning places:

the I place – Abdumanap Camila (5Г  );

the II place – Cuzdibaeba Amina(5Ә);

the III place – BatyrbeccyzyRashan5Ә,Taxan Aixanym (5В).