Within a decade "Mathematics and Natural Sciences»

Within a decade

Withina decade"Mathematics and Natural Sciences» April 8, 2014 was called the "Mathematics’ day”. The day began with testing of 9th  grades according to the program Activote in order to improve the functional literacy of students with mathematics teachers organizers Tusupova N.D.,Malgazhdarova A.I.

SadvokasovaAT, mathematics teacher of the highest category, among the students of 7th grades  in the homogenous group "Daryndylar" conducted the lesson presentation called "Interesting geometry" on the theme "Үshbyryshtar." The lesson was at the highest level.

A young professionalAkhmetova D.D. after participating in the classroom and coachings of Djakupova Z.A. used the acquired knowledge in practice and held an open lesson in the eighth grade on the theme "Үshbyryshtardyn Oudh."

A scientific- practical conference of young mathematicians was held among 5 - 6 classes. The purpose of the conference was to  raise interest among pupils in the subject of mathematics.

The next event «Barіn bіlgіm keledі!" was among the 5th grades pupils. The pupils with great interest answered the questions and performed the tasks.

Under the guidance of  Malgazhdarova AI,  mathematics teacher ,there was a lesson on the theme "Sandar patshalygy." Pupils during  the lesson learned the secrets of numbers.

The teacher of the highestcategory Usenbekova S.U. conducted the  lesson – competition  on the theme "Bіlektіbіrdі, bіlіmdіmyndyzhygady."