The article of the head of state "Seven sides of the Great Steppe" was published

The article of the head of state
Space is the measure of everything and time is the whole story. When the horizon of time and space jumped, the history of the nation begins. It's not just a beautiful aphorism. In fact, if we look at the history of the Germans, Italians, or Indian peoples, it is appropriate that many of their great achievements in the history of the millennial history of their involvement with the territories in which they now live. Of course, ancient Rome is not modern Italy, but Italians boast of their historical roots. This is a proud place. Similarly, ancient Goths and Germans today are not a single nation, but they are also part of the extensive historical heritage of Germany. Ancient India with its rich polytechnic culture and today's Indian people can be regarded as a unique civilization that is constantly evolving in the flow of history. This is a true position for history. This will allow us to know our roots and deepen our national history and solve the problem. History of Kazakhstan should be understandable not only in terms of its own suffix, but in general from the modern science point of view. We have enough arguments for it.
First of all, the number of pro-government associations that have been contributed by them is formed on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan and constitutes the main elements of ethnogenesis of the Kazakh nation.
Secondly, the huge cultural achievements that we are talking about have not come from our pockets but on the contrary, most of them came into this vast region and then spread to the West and the East, to Kungei and to Terskeya.
Third, historical exhibits discovered in later years prove that our ancestors have a direct bearing on the best, most technologically advanced news in their time. These exhibits allow the Great Steppe to take a fresh look at the place of global history. Even the names of some Kazakh tribes were known long ago as the "Kazakh" ethnonym. This indicates that the horizons of our national history are far beyond the stage in which we are talking about. The European-centrist view did not allow us to see invisible facts about the fact that the Saks and Huns and other ethnic groups that are today's ancient Turkic peoples have become an integral part of the historical ethnogenesis of our nation. It is also worth mentioning that many ethnic groups living in our land have long history of common history. It is a common history for all our people, who have contributed to many prominent figures of different ethnic groups. Today, we have a positive attitude to our history. But any historical event can not be limited to descriptive and conjunctural descriptions. White and black are interconnected concepts. Together, they give a unique color to the lives of both individuals and peoples. In our history there were many horrors, tragic events, fierce wars and conflicts, socially dangerous trials and political repressions. We have no right to forget this. We need to understand and perceive our multidirectional and extensive history. We do not want to diminish the role of other peoples and show our greatness. The most important thing is that we need to think seriously and correctly about our role in global history, based on concrete scientific data. Let's look at seven aspects of the Great Steppe.