
Golden autumn 2019!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-04 08:47:26
Golden autumn 2019!
On October 25, the Golden autumn matinee for young children was held at the Nurbobek mini-center at the Lyceum in the ainalayyn group. Children read poems about the yellow Golden yellow autumn, danced "leaves ""umbrella". During the event, interesting educational games on the theme of autumn were played. The holiday dedicated to autumn made a great impression on children.
Author: Lyceum №2

Міндетті әлеуметтік медициналық сақтандыру.

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2019-11-01 09:35:02
Міндетті әлеуметтік медициналық сақтандыру.
Медициналық сақтандыру жүйесіне қалай қатысуға болады?
Author: Lyceum №2

City video contest.

Date: 2019-10-29 10:52:53
City video contest.
At the city video clip contest " my favorite city, Balkhash!"a student of the Lyceum 7b class Akhmedieva Balnur took part and took the SECOND place. Head: Amanzhol K. A. Congratulations!
Author: Lyceum №2

"Family-the beginning of education, school-Bulletin of education»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-25 13:52:00
A class hour on the theme "Family –the basis of education"was held at the school - Lyceum # 2 named after Abay.    A family is a small homeland of every person.  Honored guests were invited to the class hour. In all classes, warmth was held in different forms on the topics :" I am proud of my family", "victory of my family" , etc.
Author: Lyceum №2

Knowledge of English is a time requirement.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-18 12:31:37
Knowledge of English is a time requirement.
On October 15, the Lyceum hosted an interview of English language correspondents among the students of the "Star klub" circle. During the conversation, young correspondents asked participants interesting information in English and conducted a free diologue. Young correspondents who received the interview in English: Melibaeva S. kenzhebekov B. the head of the English teacher Pirimbetov...
Author: Lyceum №2

The book is

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-17 14:11:52
The book is
On November 17, 10TH grade students published a translation of Aigiz Baymukhametov's "Tastamashy Ana" by Sayat Kamshyger. The book was published in 2018. During the ad, the children showed an excerpt from the movie shot in this book, made a poster, and distributed the QR code of the book. The report was made by Sayat Kamshyger.
Author: Lyceum №2

Social project " service to society"

Date: 2019-10-17 09:11:49
Social project
In order to identify creatively working class teachers and improve the level of educational work in schools, the Department of education organized and held the city competition "Best class teacher of the 2013-2014 school year" on the basis of the KSU "school No. 15"on April 25, 2014. And The Composition Of Malybaev. And Abaya. And Jaksybaeva. Managers: A. Galieva.K., G., Held...
Author: Lyceum №2

Presentation of the book by the poet Mehmet Mortazawi " Amanat»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-14 14:26:56
Presentation of the book by the poet Mehmet Mortazawi
In the Lyceum named after Abay was held a presentation of the book "Amanat" of the veteran poet Mehmet Mortazawi. During the meeting the sides discussed the main directions of President's address to people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Zhol-path to future", as well as the implementation of President's instructions voiced in the address to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Z...
Author: Lyceum №2

Exchange of experience is a Source of methodical skill.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-14 07:48:55
Exchange of experience is a Source of methodical skill.
10.10.19 as part of the decade of foreign languages, the Lyceum held a lesson on the exchange of experience in class 7a by Musina S. M on the topic "Social network profile". The purpose of the lesson: to develop students ' skills in working with social networks, to reveal the role of social networks in human life. During the lesson, students got acquainted with the rating of social...
Author: Lyceum №2

World of Abay - in foreign languages

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-14 07:39:33
World of Abay - in foreign languages
On October 10, the Lyceum hosted a literary evening" the Great son of the Kazakh people " among grades 3-6.the teacher of Russian language and literature K. M. Baykulova. Purpose:.The purpose of the event: to give deep information about the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev, to reveal the path of life and creativity, to cultivate morality, respect for the wisdom and spiritual heritage...
Author: Lyceum №2

The subject of the decade - the exchange of experience

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-11 07:53:55
The subject of the decade - the exchange of experience
On October 7, the Lyceum hosted the competition "Abay and Pushkin-the harmony of two hearts"... on the topic: "the decade of foreign languages has started its work. On the first day of the week, a substantial stand was created dedicated to the works of the great poets Abay and Pushkin.   On October 9, an open lesson in Russian "Four artists"was held in the 7th g...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Classic of Kazakh children's literature»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-11 07:30:44
On October 10, an educational hour" classic of Kazakh children's literature" was held for students of grades 5-6, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Berdibek sokpakbayev. As part of this event, detailed information about the life and work of the writer was given.  This event was held in order to increase the interest of students in reading books by Berdibek sokp...
Author: Lyceum №2

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