
Fatherland defender day

Category: School news
Date: 2018-05-08 12:48:43
Fatherland defender day
In celebration of defender of the Fatherland Day in the boarding school conducted the following activities: political information "I am a patriot", class hours "We – the future defenders of the Fatherland", extra-curricular activities "There is such a profession – to defend the Motherland", where children actively participated, were the posters on the su...

The parade on may 1

Category: School news
Date: 2018-05-03 13:58:52
The parade on may 1
1 may teaching staff, OSIOT took part in the procession, representing the formation of the city. On this day, everyone was in a good mood. Procession look festive, because all the members were in the hands of Apple twigs and balloons. Pupils ' collectives of schools came out in national costumes of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Citizens marched under cheerful music, proving unity of our people,...

Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan!

Category: School news
Date: 2018-05-03 13:56:51
Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan!
As a eve of celebration of Day of unity of people of Kazakhstan in boarding school held a solemn line, where there was a performance of a propaganda team, OSIOT, the children sang, danced, and recited congratulatory verses for all Kazakhstanis, talking about friendship among peoples, peace and goodness. At class hours, class teachers talked about the importance of this holiday in our country, ta...

Decade educators

Category: School news
Date: 2018-04-24 08:15:13
In the period from 13 to 22 April 2018, a decade of educational topic "development of creative potential of students as an important condition for effective work with children through educational activities"took place in the secondary school - internatobschego type of Balkhash city.   Purpose: formation of communicative and cognitive competence of students during educational a...


Category: School news
Date: 2018-04-21 11:57:43
Information on Saturday   KSU "school-boarding General type of Balkhash town»            April 21, students, teachers, technical staff of the boarding school in orderly rows at the cleanup. Pupils 7-9 classes went outside, armed with brooms, brooms, brushes, scoops and shovels. They cleaned the territory assigned to the boarding school on the...

2018 жылғы 16 наурыздағы Қамқоршылар Кеңесінің отырысының №3 ХАТТАМАСЫ

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2018-04-12 15:33:26
2018 жылғы 16 наурыздағы Қамқоршылар Кеңесінің отырысының №3 ХАТТАМАСЫ Қатысқаны: 13 адам. Шақырылды: Еспаганбетова С.А. –53898 ӘБ әйелдер кеңесінің төрағасы Мирошниченко Н.С. – ТЖ директордың орынбасары Федянина М.Ф. –ЖББТМИ директоры Саметова Д.М.-психолог Садуакасова Ж.С. – әлеу.педагог Күн тәртібі 1. 8-9 сынып оқушыларының кәсіби өзін-өзі анықтауы бойы...

Қамқоршылар Кеңесінің 2018 жылдың 26 қаңтарындағы отырысының № 2 ХАТТАМАСЫ

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2018-04-12 15:31:42
Қамқоршылар Кеңесінің 2018 жылдың 26 қаңтарындағы отырысының № 2 ХАТТАМАСЫ Қатысқаны: 11 адам. Шақырылды: Еспаганбетова С.А. –53898 ӘБ әйелдер кеңесінің төрағасы Мирошниченко Н.С. – ТЖ директордың орынбасары Федянина М.Ф. –ЖББТМИ директоры Садуакасова Ж.С. – әлеу.педагог Галстян Н.С. – мед.бибі     Күн тәртібі 1. Кәмелетке толмаған жасөсп...

"Мой город - Балхаш"

Category: School news
Date: 2018-04-11 09:43:20
11 апреля 2018г. в КГУ "ОШИОТ" прошла торжественная линейка, посвященная ко дню города. На торжественной линейке учащиеся школы исполнили гимн города Балхаша, пели песни о Балхаше и танцевали.

Day of school (stage 2)

Category: Day of school
Date: 2018-04-06 10:06:33
Day of school (stage 2)
School-native house, in which live serene-fun time childhood and youth, happiness, friendship, creativity, labor, hope on successful future. For the purpose of development in children of these qualities at pupils in KSU "General educational boarding school of the General type of the city of Balkhash" passed the second stage "school day".   The school day consisted of...

"Happy birthday»

Category: School news
Date: 2018-03-19 08:39:40
Extra-curricular activities "the birthday party" was held 16.03.2018 year, was prepared by the teachers 3 classes. The event was attended by students of a boarding school, where she sang beautiful songs, showed dance songs. Also games, with birthday parties and spectators were held. At the end of the event, the birthday people were presented with sweet gifts and they were invited to te...

Festive concert

Category: School news
Date: 2018-03-07 14:43:57
Festive concert
On the eve of the celebration of March 8, all the women of the boarding school students congratulated the festive concert "All for you". Children spoke grateful words to the women who teach them, bring up, prepare food, clean behind them, erase and just love. In our school, a large house, this day was fragrant with happiness, joy and love. All the female staff, OSIT was in a good mood,...

City competition of the advocacy group "the New age through the eyes of young"

Category: School news
Date: 2018-03-06 11:32:12
City competition of the advocacy group
The Republican unified children and youth organization "Zhas Ulan" makes the life of students of the boarding school rich and interesting. In the framework of the program "Rouhani Jair" 27 February 2018 at the Palace of schoolchildren took place the XI-th competition advocacy groups "Zhana Gasyr Zhastar cson". The main purpose of the contest is to create conditions...

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