
“There are different professions in the world!“

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-05 12:40:19
“There are different professions in the world!" As part of the week of travel to the Country of Masters, a video contest was held on the theme "there are different professions in the world". Adela Omarova, a 10th grade student, sees her future as an architect of the future and introduces you to graphic design inside this world.

“There are different professions in the world!“

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-05 12:38:50
“There are different professions in the world!“As part of the week of travel to the Country of Masters, a video contest was held on the theme "there are different professions in the world." A student of the 10th grade of our school, Tuyak Akerke, connects his future with the profession of a process engineer.

“There are different professions in the world!“

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-05 12:36:33
“There are different professions in the world!" As part of the week of travel to the Country of Masters, a video contest was held on the theme "there are different professions in the world". A student of the 10th grade, Diana Shaimaganbetova, connects her future with the profession of engineering.

"Bread is the wealth of the country"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-05 11:59:41
On 10/15/2021, within the framework of the Week of Historical Literacy organized by the Department of Education and the Educational and Methodological Center of the Karaganda region, educational activities on the topic "Nan-el Bagytty" were held among the classes of preschool preparation. The guys told how bread comes to the table, molded their favorite bakery products from plasticin...

"Golden treasure"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-05 11:55:51
As part of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy "journey to the world of masters ", the parent, student, school association "Altyn Kazyna" organized an exhibition of crafts. Purpose: to develop the creative potential of the child's personality, his aesthetic sense for the emotional perception of the world, increasing the artistic and creative abilities of students. The main d...

On 11.10.2021, the regional stage of the republican intellectual competition of young historians "My small Homeland" took place.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-05 11:53:13
On 11.10.2021, the regional stage of the republican intellectual competition of young historians
On 11.10.2021, the regional stage of the republican intellectual competition of young historians "My small Homeland" took place.   A 9th grade student of the Serikbai Ayana school took part in the regional stage of the republican intellectual competition. At the city stage, the team took 1st place, at the regional stage - 2nd place.   Head, history teacher Abdibek K...

"Features of the organization of work of the leading schools of the Karaganda region for the 2021-2022 academic year"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-05 11:44:26
On 13.10.2021, the coordinator of the lyceum school Sadvokasova A. T., dojo Zhumatova I. Zh took part in the round table "features of the organization of the work of the leading schools of the Karaganda region for the 2021-2022 academic year", organized by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" and the educational and methodological...

"What is Blotting?”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-04 20:14:05
As part of the Week of aesthetic disciplines "journey into the world of masters", the Shanyrak group "Saryarka" of our lyceum school What is Blotting in grades 2 "G", 9 "B"?"art therapy was performed. Purpose: to teach students to use non-traditional techniques, including introducing the method of blotting, to develop their creative abilities, men...

XIV Presidential Olympiad in Natural and Mathematical disciplines

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-04 19:48:37
The regional stage of the XIV Presidential Olympiad in natural and Mathematical disciplines on September 30, 2021 in online format on the platform. Turysbek Yerasyl, a student of the 11th grade of the Alikhan Bokeikhan Lyceum No. 15, took part in the Presidential Olympiad, who took the 2nd prize in biology.   Congratulations to Yerasyl, expressing gratitude to all the leadin...

"Wreaths and leaves"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-04 16:49:13
  On 13.10.2021, within the framework of the Week of Aesthetic disciplines "journey to the world of masters", students of the 4th "A" and 7th "B" of the Shanyrauyn group showed their works in the technique of application on the theme "wreaths and leaves". Purpose: development of aesthetic taste, imagination, skill of students, education of ar...

On the topic of how to behave in a public environment "I, you, we"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-04 16:38:44
On the topic of how to behave in a public environment
13.10.2021 On the topic of how to behave in a public environment "I, you, we" A courtesy lesson was held for 10th grade students. Purpose: to form an opinion of each student about how he behaves in a public environment, to cultivate tact. In the public circles of Fang Inkar, in the library of Mautkazinov Eldar, in the museum and at the exhibition of Magrubekov Nurislam, in the...

"Journey into the world of masters"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-04 15:59:02
13.10.21 as part of the week of aesthetic disciplines "journey to the world of masters" with 6 "a", 6 "b" classes, an hour of politeness "speech ethics" was held. Purpose: formation of students' speech skills with the expansion of their ideas about the concepts of "ethics", "ethics in speech communication", "sociability"...

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