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"Түнгі қаладағы балалар!" рейді өтті

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-17 18:14:48
On December 31 and January 2.3, in order to prevent juvenile delinquency, i.e. prevention of neglect, neglect of children, exploitation of child labor, in accordance with the winter vacation plan, the action "Children in the night city!"Ray passed. The raid was attended by a member of the Board of Trustees of the lyceum school Tokmetov D. M., a member of the Council of Fathers Mukazhan...

The mini-center "Tanshuak" hosted a festive entertainment in the senior group "Kyzgaldak" and "Raushan", dedicated to the celebration of the New Year

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-17 18:12:01
The mini-center
On 30.12.2021, a festive entertainment in the senior group "Tulip" and "Rose", dedicated to the celebration of the New Year, was held in the mini-center "Tanshuak". In high spirits, the children sang songs and sang songs dedicated to the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. Such characters as a Hare, a Fox, a Leopard, a dwarf came to visit the entertainment. Ou...

Events "Жаңа жыл - жаңа нұр"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-17 18:08:33
As part of the "New Year - New World" events, an exhibition of drawings on the Padlet board among students of grades 1-4 on the theme "Journey to the New Year" was presented. All the students who participated in the exhibition were able to show their imagination and creativity. As a result, awards were presented for the activity of students. I place Gala Rayana 1A Tusup...

Meeting on the topic "Қауіпсіз демалыс"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-17 18:05:46
Meeting on the topic
In order to ensure the safety of students during the winter holidays, an online meeting was held with students of grades 6-10 with representatives of the Emergency Department and the City Department of Internal Affairs. At the meeting on the topic "safe rest" , the nurse of the rescuer of the Balkhash rescue department -Abzhanova Bagdat Satbekovna Senior engineer of the Emergency...

Prevention of student safety during winter holidays

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-17 17:42:34
Prevention of student safety during winter holidays
In order to prevent the safety of students during the winter holidays, an information board for parents and students has been created.

"Құттықтаулар аллеясы!" opening card

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-17 17:39:52
In the lyceum school among grades 1-11, the action "Kuttyktaular alleyasy!" was held an exhibition of postcards. 3rd grade student Myrzabek Aldiyar in the nomination "Sandi ashyk hat"  A student of the 1st grade in the nomination "Creative-ti ashyk khat" Manatbek Zhansaya 1st grade student Tusuphanov Nurislam in the nomination "Uzdik ashyk khat"...

Congratulations to students

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-17 17:22:29
Congratulations to students
On the eve of the New Year holidays, congratulations to students with special educational needs were organized at the lyceum school. We congratulated them on the upcoming holiday, wished them to grow up healthy, healthy citizens who will contribute to the development of our country. A special prize and a congratulatory letter from the mayor of the city were also awarded.

The guest is a graduate of the lyceum school"Зиялы Сәрсенбінің"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-14 09:37:18
The guest is a graduate of the lyceum school
The guest of "Ziyaly Sarsenbinin" 29.12.2021 is a graduate of the lyceum school, studying and studying at the military college named after Sh. Ualikhanov Mekadilov Dauren. We met with students of the lyceum school, talked about professions, shared our thoughts. Dauren handed the director of the lyceum school Karlygash Shakarimovna a letter of thanks from the leadership of the milit...

A festive greeting was held on the theme"Жаңа жыл - Жаңа нұр"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-14 09:24:05
A festive greeting was held on the theme
12/28/2021 Starting with the pre-school preparation of the lyceum school, a festive greeting on the theme "Zhana zhyl - Zhana Nur" was held for primary school students. The festive greeting was organized in the system "Bir synyp - bir cabinet" in compliance with all sanitary requirements. The director of the lyceum school Karlygash Shakarimovna made a New Year's wish...

Festive event "Жаңа жыл жарылқа"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-14 09:14:58
Festive event
On 29.12.2021, classes 2a, 2G took part in a New Year's event organized at the City Museum of Local History. During the festive event " New Year with a bang", students actively answered quiz questions. Together with the New Year's heroes, they danced and played fun games. The students who took part in the event were awarded sweets

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