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April 17, 2014 among the first classes was seminar.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-21 04:07:06
April 17, 2014 among the first classes was seminar.
     April 17, 2014 among the first classes was seminar. The seminar was attended by parents. The theme of the seminar "The role of parents in improving the quality of knowledge." At the beginning of the seminar psychologist spoke with parents, introduced with the outcome of the survey. Responsible: Koishina G.M., KabyldinP.A.

On April, 2014 the head of educational government Aimagambetov Ashat Kanatuly visited our city Balchash with his working trip.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-18 10:03:46
On April, 2014 the head of educational government Aimagambetov Ashat Kanatuly visited our city Balchash with his working trip.
On April, 2014 the head of educational government Aimagambetov Ashat Kanatuly visited our city Balchash with his working trip. The main purpose of this trip is to identify different innovations in the educational sphere in the city, the quality in teaching subjects and fulfillment of government policy.  After visiting different city schools there was a meeting with the school teachers. Asha...

On 10 days dedicated for the science-mathematics and department of informatics to the day 12.04.2014 was chemistries day.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-14 11:38:13
On 10 days dedicated for the science-mathematics and department of informatics to the day 12.04.2014 was chemistries day.
“Chemistry and 21 century” the theme of passed chemistry day searches of students , knowledge cognition acts, knowledge taking business to the end, on aim development 8Вclass chemistry object frank lesson, 8-11 classes interval “Erudit-2014” intellectual duel interested students  by different questions.

To 77 - anniversary of the city of Balkhash in class 6B was open class hour "My Balkhash" .

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-14 08:52:53
To 77 - anniversary of the city of Balkhash in class 6B was open class hour
To 77 - anniversary of the city of Balkhash in class 6B was open class hour  "My Balkhash" . Class hour was organized in a new format. Pupils were distributed into four groups and each group has defended its theme. At protection of a subject they used different methods and protection forms. Class hour was interesting and informative. After class hour conducted interviews with pupi...

On April 11, 2014 within the subject decade

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-12 06:41:29
On April 11, 2014  within the subject decade
On April 11, 2014  within the subject decade there was a biology lesson in the 6thӘgrade  on the theme "Common bacteria". The  teacher Kordabaeva A.A. used a group form technology during the lesson.This day the lesson on the subject "Domastic Birds and Their Origin" was conducted open 7 D  class.On the reverse of the radio station in the school was read ne...

11.04.2014g. Teacher of Physics and Informatics Tuyakov EK spent an intellectual game «Ата жұрт» of 7 classes.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-11 07:57:15
11.04.2014g. Teacher of Physics and Informatics Tuyakov EK spent an intellectual game  «Ата жұрт» of 7 classes.
11.04.2014g. Teacher of Physics and Informatics Tuyakov EK spent an intellectual game  «Ата жұрт» of 7 classes. Students answer questions, solve problems, solve puzzles. The lesson was informative and interesting.

Within a decade, "Mathematics and Natural Sciences»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-11 03:42:14
Within a decade,
Within a decade the Department of Natural Sciences on April 10 was marked the day science. Science teacher Tuyakov EK held in 10 "A" class open lesson workshop on «3D- моделдеу ." The lesson was at the proper level IT teacher Serikbaeva ZK, Tuyakov EK held a series of events called " Kөңілді информатика ." When the behavior of the outcome of the measures active p...

Within a decade "Mathematics and Natural Sciences»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-09 09:43:37
Within a decade
Withina decade"Mathematics and Natural Sciences» April 8, 2014 was called the "Mathematics’ day”. The day began with testing of 9th  grades according to the program Activote in order to improve the functional literacy of students with mathematics teachers organizers Tusupova N.D.,Malgazhdarova A.I. SadvokasovaAT, mathematics teacher of the highest category, amo...

The demonstrative lesson «Balkhash lake» was conducted in the 5”V”grade on 07.04.2014, devoted to the town day.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-09 05:04:43
The demonstrative lesson «Balkhash lake» was conducted in the 5”V”grade on 07.04.2014, devoted to the town day. The aim of the lesson: to give  more information about  Balkhash lake to pupils, to develop their  opinions about using new informational technologies in nature, to teach the ways of solution ecological  problems. Conclusion: to protest t...

08.04.2014. 7 "B" and 7 "B" class took part in the round table "in the physics world

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-08 11:46:05
08.04.2014. 7
08.04.2014. 7 "B" and 7 "B" class took part in the round table "in the physics world." Children expressed their opinions on "Space and Kazakhstan", "Do the benefits of space exploration." Expounded his thoughts in the form of essays, "We - in space."

07.04.2014 years in an educational cabinet №309 among 8-10 classes within the limits of a decade have natural-geographical organized competition named : «Білімдіден шыққан сөз, талаптыға болсын кез».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-08 03:08:18
07.04.2014 years in an educational cabinet  №309 among 8-10 classes within the limits of a decade have natural-geographical  organized competition named : «Білімдіден шыққан сөз, талаптыға болсын кез».
07.04.2014 years in an educational cabinet  №309 among 8-10 classes within the limits of a decade have natural-geographical  organized competition named : «Білімдіден шыққан сөз, талаптыға болсын кез».The aim: to bring up resource, eloquence, to expand an outlook of pupils, to  love and respect for traditions and customs, the careful attitude to an environment, love to...

Competition for space research "Open the world of science."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-04-07 11:52:31
Competition for space research
From 30.03.2014 to 08.04.2014 in the town of Baikonur was X International Competition for space research "Open the world of science." Pupils of11 "A"classes Saulekhanova Karina and Dzhahanova Jamila was awarded diploma of the third degree.

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