
1.12.2022 A meeting of the "Kyz Zhibek" girls' club was held on the topic "The girl child is the shame of the nation, the pride of the people."

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-12-06 09:36:50
1.12.2022 A meeting of the
1.12.2022 A meeting of the "Kyz Zhibek" girls' club was held on the topic "The girl child is the shame of the nation, the pride of the people." Girls of 8-10th grade took part in the meeting. The special guests of the event are entrepreneur, doctor-mother - Maksutova Mariyanna Manarovna, a member of the school-lyceum "Parasat" school of grandmothers and moth...

28.11.2022 Monday line-up.

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-12-01 09:11:11
28.11.2022 Monday line-up.
28.11.2022 Monday line-up. The National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan was performed. The "World of Beauty" aesthetics week was concluded, and future events were presented.    

With girls of the 8th grade of the school-lyceum An educational meeting was held on the topic "Girls' education - national education".

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-12-01 08:55:33
With girls of the 8th grade of the school-lyceum An educational meeting was held on the topic
With girls of the 8th grade of the school-lyceum An educational meeting was held on the topic "Girls' education - national education". A lot of information was given about the actions and behavior of girls, honor and dignity of girls. Mutual opinions were analyzed. In addition, Gulmira Uzakbaevna Eleubekova, a member of the "Parasat" school for mothers, participated a...

24.11.2022 "Bektau-ata" shanaryak group held a proverb contest "Honesty is a sign of humanity" among students of 9th B, 5th B, 3rd B classes.

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-11-28 08:57:51
24.11.2022 "Bektau-ata" shanaryak group held a proverb contest "Honesty is a sign of humanity" among students of 9th B, 5th B, 3rd B classes. Purpose: to respect and develop folk oral literature, to develop thinking abilities through love for language culture, to educate to understand the main principles of morality During the competition, students were able to demonstr...

On 25.11, the "Shoqan Cup 1" tournament, organized by Ushkyn Debate Club, won the 2nd prize place. Abylkairova Zhanel, 11th grade student, was named the best speaker of the tournament.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-28 08:46:38
On 25.11, the
On 25.11, the "Shoqan Cup 1" tournament, organized by Ushkyn Debate Club, won the 2nd prize place. Abylkairova Zhanel, 11th grade student, was named the best speaker of the tournament.

25.11.2022 On the occasion of "December 1 - fight against AIDS" day, a meeting was held with the epidemiologist of the city AIDS center, Batyrbekova Aigul Abdoldakyna.

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-11-28 08:43:47
25.11.2022 On the occasion of
25.11.2022 On the occasion of "December 1 - fight against AIDS" day, a meeting was held with the epidemiologist of the city AIDS center Batyrbekova Aigul Abdoldakyvna. Students were given useful information about HIV infection and the consequences of drug addiction. HEALTHY LIFE - BRIGHT FUTURE!    

24.11.2022 R. "People's Hero" of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students of the 9th grade took part in a professional test at Balkash Technical College named after Koshkarbaev and got acquainted with the ins and outs of professional experience.

Category: Профориентация
Date: 2022-11-28 08:36:18
24.11.2022 R.
24.11.2022 R. "People's Hero" of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students of the 9th grade took part in a professional test at Balkash Technical College named after Koshkarbaev and got acquainted with the ins and outs of professional experience.

24.11.22 A meeting was held between the specialists of the Karaganda University named after Academician Evnei Arystanuly Boketov and students of the 9-10-11th grade of the city schools in the students' palace in our city.

Category: Профориентация
Date: 2022-11-28 08:31:04
24.11.22 A meeting was held between the specialists of the Karaganda University named after Academician Evnei Arystanuly Boketov and students of the 9-10-11th grade of the city schools in the students' palace in our city.
24.11.22 A meeting was held between the specialists of the Karaganda University named after Academician Evnei Arystanuly Boketov and students of the 9-10-11th grade of the city schools in the students' palace in our city. Purpose: to provide students with professional guidance from an early age, help them choose a future profession, and become competitive in the labor market. During th...

Within the "Green School" project "Each class flourishes - the school flourishes" campaign. "The greenest classroom"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-25 08:16:16
Within the
Within the "Green School" project "Each class flourishes - the school flourishes" campaign. "The greenest classroom" Purpose: to create a sense of responsibility for the environment among the young generation by planting classrooms, to increase their interest in the world of plants. Organizers: school parliament and 9th grade students Progress: Period: 2...

On November 18, 2022, a seminar-training was held for 7th grade students on the topic "What is a conflict? Ways to resolve it correctly."

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-11-23 08:34:44
On November 18, 2022, a seminar-training was held for 7th grade students on the topic
On November 18, 2022, a seminar-training was held for 7th grade students on the topic "What is a conflict? Ways to resolve it correctly." Purpose: to analyze the situations that cause a dispute or conflict, to get acquainted with ways of solving them.

From 17.11 to 18.11.2022, on the occasion of the aesthetic week, students of the 2nd grade will be asked "What is Klaksography?" art therapy was conducted on the subject.

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-11-23 08:32:31
From 17.11 to 18.11.2022, on the occasion of the aesthetic week, students of the 2nd grade will be asked
From 17.11 to 18.11.2022, on the occasion of the aesthetic week, students of the 2nd grade will be asked "What is Klaksography?" art therapy was conducted on the subject. Purpose: to develop students' creative abilities and imagination.              

On the occasion of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, an out-of-class activity on the theme "Bouquets and Leaves" was organized for 1-2 classes.

Category: Educational process
Date: 2022-11-21 09:10:04
On the occasion of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, an out-of-class activity on the theme
On the occasion of the Week of Aesthetic Literacy, an out-of-class activity on the theme "Bouquets and Leaves" was organized for 1-2 classes. Purpose: To train students in dexterity and flexibility. During the work, students performed tasks and worked with research.                  

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