
The medal "December 35th anniversary" and the gratitude letter "independence swallow"were awarded

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-14 09:11:38
The medal
On 12/24/2021, a solemn celebration of the history teacher, a witness of the December events Gulnar Bazylkhanovna, took place at the lyceum school. During the congratulation, the medal "Zheltoksanga 35 zhyl" and a letter of thanks "Tauelsizdik karlygashy" were awarded.

"Жаңа жылдық ғажайыптар" 0 "А"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-13 11:02:50
Pupils of the pre-school group 0 "A" of our lyceum school Kenzhebek Mansur and Nurlan Alikhan together with their parents held a New Year's exhibition on the theme "New Year's miracles". Head: Mukashbekova S. S.

"Жаңа жылдық ғажайыптар" 0 "Б"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-13 10:36:28
We present a New Year's exhibition of educators 0 "B" groups of preschool preparation of our school-lyceum on a theme "New Year's miracles". Arslan Aziz Serikbay Aizere Alibikyzy Ademi Tulegen Gulim Serik Sultan Serik Nurai Kabdrakhman Ualikhan Begimbay Aikhanym Amirzhan Ayazhan Head: Kaip A.

"Жаңа жылдық ғажайыптар" 0 "В"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-13 09:53:05
23.12.21 g We present handicrafts made by the masters of the group of pre-school preparation 0 "B" of our lyceum school Murat Aisha and Murat Aybek on the theme "Zhana zhyldyk gazhayyptar"  Head: Bidaibekova A. E.

An online meeting was organized with the speaker of the city polyclinic No. 2 on vaccinations, Serzhanov Rysbek Kambarkhanovich.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 15:21:44
An online meeting was organized with the speaker of the city polyclinic No. 2 on vaccinations, Serzhanov Rysbek Kambarkhanovich.
On December 24-25, an online meeting with the speaker on vaccinations of the city polyclinic No. 2 Serzhanov Rysbek Kambarkhanovich was organized with the parents of students of grades 6-9 of the lyceum school. The purpose of the meeting: informing parents on the formation of collective immunity through vaccination of adolescents aged 12-17 years. During the meeting, the speaker of the polyc...

City raid «Түнгі қаладағы балалар»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 15:05:22
City raid «Түнгі қаладағы балалар»
City raid "Children in the night city". On December 24, 2021, "children in the night city" was raided in the region for underage teenagers.  Evening raid events were held to prevent offenses among teenagers, control, and increase the responsibility of parents for raising children, children from disadvantaged families, who are often released from classes without supervi...

Regional video – press Congress «Абайдың жолы – Тәуелсіздіктің рухы»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 14:41:05
Regional video – press Congress «Абайдың жолы – Тәуелсіздіктің рухы»
On December 23, 2021, the regional video press Kurultai "The Way of Abai-the spirit of independence" took place at the gymnasium No. 104. The goal is to create an environment for the upbringing of a healthy generation that has absorbed universal and national values. "Hurry up for five things ..." in the direction of projects, the leading student of the 9th grade of our ly...

Among the preparatory classes, together with the family, they made a laptop on the topic «Салт- дәстүр»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 14:32:45
Date 24.12.2021 The Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda region organized the event "Ana tilim-dana Tilim, bas tilim!", a laptop on the theme "Salt - dastur" was held among the pre-school classes together with the family. Creating a laptop together with his family, he knew the traditions and customs of our people and develo...

Matinees of 1st grade students were held «Әліппемен қоштасу»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 14:28:59
Matinees of 1st grade students were held «Әліппемен қоштасу»
On September 1, the children who crossed the threshold of our lyceum school passed the first stage of learning to read and write. Today, matinees of 1st grade students "farewell to the alphabet" were held here. For kids, this is an unforgettable moment. The prepared children read poems, sang songs, danced.Having fully familiarized themselves with the world of letters, our students proc...

Round table on the topic: «Жаппай стандарттаудан жаппай бірегейлікке: еңбек нарығындағы жаңа талаптар»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 12:01:52
Round table on the topic: «Жаппай стандарттаудан жаппай бірегейлікке: еңбек нарығындағы жаңа талаптар»
Date 22.12.2021 AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" within the framework of the project "Education in new conditions", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the great educator Ibray Altynsarin, held a round table in an online format on the topic "from mass standardization to mass identity: new requirements in the labor market". The discussion platform was attend...

An online meeting on the topic "Alashtyn ardaktysy" was held within the framework of the "Alikhantanu project".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 11:48:13
An online meeting on the topic
Date 23.12.2021 On Thursday, an online meeting on the topic "Alashtyn ardaktysy" was held within the framework of the "Alikhantanu" project. Speaker: teacher of Kazakh language and literature Tazhkeeva Sayagul He told about the life path, family, childhood and creative work of the Alnash poet Alikhan Bokeikhanov, about the scientist, publicist, translator who left an in...

Webinar on the topic «Креативті ойлауды дамыту»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-01-12 11:06:31
Webinar on the topic «Креативті ойлауды дамыту»
On 21.12.2021, subject teachers of the lyceum school took part and listened to a webinar on the topic "development of creative thinking", organized by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" on the You Tube channel. Topics under consideration - relevance of skills; - features of tasks; - evaluation criteria. During the webinar,...

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