
02.11.2022 Ermek Zhanar, a student of the 9th grade, won the prize in the regional "Gift of Saryarka" scientific project competition among students of grades 8-11.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-03 09:40:48
02.11.2022 Ermek Zhanar, a student of the 9th grade, won the prize in the regional
02.11.2022 Ermek Zhanar, a student of the 9th grade, won the prize in the regional "Gift of Saryarka" scientific project competition among students of grades 8-11. Director: Sartaeva A. Congratulations!

02.11.2022 "Togyzkumalak" circle

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-03 09:36:43
02.11.2022 "Togyzkumalak" circle

On 1.11, with the organization of the Agybai Batyr Palace of Students, among the Ulanbasis of the city "Zhas Ulan" children and youth organization for the purpose of developing self-management organization. A talk show called "Young man" was held.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-03 09:29:40
On 1.11, with the organization of the Agybai Batyr Palace of Students, among the Ulanbasis of the city
On 1.11, with the organization of the Agybai Batyr Palace of Students, among the Ulanbasis of the city "Zhas Ulan" children and youth organization for the purpose of developing self-management organization. A talk show called "Young man" was held.   Aitkazy Dayana, a student of the 8th grade of our school-lyceum, defended her case in the direction of "Spirituali...

"Autumn school" for teachers of the Kazakh language, organized by the teaching-methodical center of education development of Karaganda region

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-03 09:13:15
"Autumn school" for teachers of the Kazakh language, organized by the teaching-methodical center of education development of Karaganda region Date of holding: 01.10.2022 Venue: ZOOM platform Target audience: teachers of Kazakh language and literature Taizhanova Karlygash Baikenovna, the teacher of the Kazakh language, shared her experience on the topic "Step by step comple...

"Autumn school" for biology teachers, organized by the teaching-methodical center of education development of Karaganda region

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-03 09:08:42
"Autumn school" for biology teachers, organized by the teaching-methodical center of education development of Karaganda region Date of holding: 31.102022 Venue: ZOOM platform Target audience: biology teachers Biology teacher, pedagogue-researcher Bakytkyzy Peruzia shared her experience on the topic "Working with students with poor progress".

01.11.2022 From the moment of preparation for the Olympics

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-03 09:01:29
01.11.2022 From the moment of preparation for the Olympics
01.11.2022 From the moment of preparation for the Olympics

The first stages of the city "Teacher of the Year-2022" competition were held by the organization of Balkhash city education department.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-03 08:57:21
The first stages of the city
The first stages of the city "Teacher of the Year-2022" competition were held by the organization of Balkhash city education department. Geography teacher Kasenova Dinara participated on behalf of KMM "School-Lyceum No. 15 named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov". In the first stage, he held an open lesson on the subject, and in the second stage, he held an extracurricular activity...

Қарағанды облысының білім беру мекемелерінде қолайсыз ауа райы жағдайында сабақтарды тоқтату туралы Ұсыныстар (28.10.2022 ж.)

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-02 21:23:02
1.Сабақты тоқтату күндері жалпы білім беру ұйымында   сабақтарды тоқтату және оқу процессін ұйымдастыру тәртібі              1.1.Білім беру ұйымындағы сабақтар келесі ауа-райының бірі болған жағдайда тоқтатылуы мүмкін:   0-4 сыныптарда: ауа температурасы минус 250С және одан төмен, ал жел 2 м/с немесе одан да көп...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-11-01 08:42:16

Autumn vacation plan

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-10-31 08:50:24
Autumn vacation plan

Within the framework of the "I will be a teacher" video project Pedagogical class networking

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-10-26 09:04:52
Within the framework of the
Within the framework of the "I will be a teacher" video project Pedagogical class networking   On October 21, 2022, pedagogical classroom networking was held online in the Karaganda region within the framework of the image project "I will be a teacher" organized by the educational and methodological center for the development of education. Teachers of KMM "Sch...

School-lyceum students took part in the city art competition "Our united people of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the Republic Day.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-10-26 08:58:53
School-lyceum students took part in the city art competition
School-lyceum students took part in the city art competition "Our united people of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the Republic Day. The goal: Developing students' enthusiasm for poetry, mastering the reading style; Patriotic education. As a result of The main prize is Kauvazkhanov Miras 1st place Shayykhov Aydar 2nd place Amangaziev Mansur 3rd place Ablaikhanova Madina, T...

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