
Conversation pets

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-01 09:12:14
                                     Conversationpets     On October 26,2 B class on the subject of native speech went public lecture on the topic "Төрт түліктің кеңесі" Lesson Objectiv...

Feast "Heart to Heart"

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-30 04:13:20
Feast"Heart to Heart"   October 24 at thegrammar school № 7 im.Sakena Seifullina was celebrated "Heart to Heart" trained sociologist and psychologist Meiramgul Kanatкyzyschool Yerubayev Riza Berikovny for guardians of students. Guardians were bailed out letters of administration of the school. In turn, the custodial parent also expressed gratitude to the school ad...

Regional Chess Championship

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-25 10:38:14
RegionalChess Championship Pupil9 "A" grade Meshіtbay Dana took the second place, the pupil 4 "Ә" class Ydyrys Dulat took second place, SaғyntayAruzhan ІҮtook place at the regional chess championship organized by the Chess Federation of Karaganda Karaganda region. Congratulations to our winners.

" Under the dome of friendship"

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-25 04:27:38
" Under the dome of friendship"   Schoolchildren's Palace on October 16 gathered students of all schools in the festival " Dome of friendship," Dedicated to the Day of spirituality and peacefulness . Each school has its different twist. Students in the school gymnasium № 7 S. Seifullin predastavili culture of the Russian people. Girls introduced the guests of...

"To the heights of Olympus"

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-25 04:22:34
"To the heights of Olympus" October 18 took Forums "Altyn ball", posveschenny gifted children. From grammar school number 7 S. Seifulin put forward two candidates for the title of "Altyn Ball": Zhappargaly Nurken and Sagymbekova Saltanat. Both members have received the nomination "Жеңіске бір қадам" Keep it up!

Let's sing, my friends!

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-04 04:52:37
Let's sing, my friends!
Let's sing, my friends! Which yearin grammar school № 7 celebrates Week of languages. The final event of the final day of the Week of Languages ​​was theFestival "Let's sing, friends." Teachers of foreign languages​​, together with the students sang songs of different nations. Obligatory condition was the performance of the songs on the Russian and English languages. Of parti...

"My ore city"

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-28 04:30:13
          "My ore city" September 21 at 6 A grade homeroom was on "Кен қопарып,мыс балқытқан өлке!" Dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the city of Balkhash. The class teacher students Magrupbekova.A.Sh story about the rise of the city, showed a slide on "Balkhash yesterday and today." Students read poetry, librarian B...

" The Kazakh language - my native language" contest expressive reading

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-27 09:28:09
    " The Kazakh language - my native language" contest expressive reading September 26teachersKashkynbaevaworm gut, SarsenbekovaA.ZHamong studentsin grades2held the event, the competition expressive readingof poemsin their native language. "Kazakh tili-Menin analysistіlіm." The event aims to: foster a senseof love for natureof his native land, its langua...

«Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін»

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-27 08:11:19
 «Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін»
 «Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін»        24.09.2013 years under the direction of teacher of Kazakh and literature of Тлеубекова Молдир of Манатбековны was passed by the literary evening of "Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін", sanctified to the 70 year of Оаlkhan Bokei.

«Сыр сандықты ашып қара, сырласым...»

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-27 08:04:10
«Сыр сандықты ашып қара, сырласым...» 23.09.2013 years on the week of languages teacher of Kazakh Сатыбалдина Перизат Алимхановна провелатрадиционный competition of the expressive reading of verses of Sakena Seifullina under the name "Cыр сандықты ашып қара, сырласым.".

Балқашым – кен қазып, мыс сапырған ырысты өлкем

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-20 11:07:13
Ingrammar school № 7 Sh. S.Seifullin September 18 held a solemn line on "Balқashym - ken қazyp, Cape sapyrғan yrysty өlkem" Dedicated to the city for the day. A congratulatory speech Acting Director of grammar school number 7 Almuhanova Z.Sh., and in the performance of students 4A 6Ә classes were poems and songs about his hometown.

"E-School Bіlіmal"

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-20 11:05:38
High schoolnumber 7 KSU S.Seyfullin awarded commendation head of education Karaganda region E.Imangalieva for active work in the implementation of the automated control system Bіlіmal. E-school-based automation of the educational process.

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