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Open homeroom " Ұлтын ұлықтаған ұлы тұлға "

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-04 03:42:51
Open homeroom "Ұлтын ұлықтаған ұлы тұлға" November 29, 2013 passed the open class 5Ә homeroom on  «Ұлтын ұлықтаған ұлы тұлға»purpose of homeroom was civic education of patriotism, respect for the country's first president. Organized the event classy rukovaditel 5Ә class Satybaldina Perizat Alimhanovna.

Awards for sochenenie

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-04 03:40:26
Awards for sochenenie At city competition sochenenii and First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev students of our school won prizes. Schoolgirl 10Ә class I. Toleukul Aizat took place, a student of class 9A Kamelova Janelle took the third place.

Solemn line " Кемеңгер көшбасшымен татулық кемесінде "

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-01 17:04:45
Solemn line " Кемеңгер көшбасшымен татулық кемесінде " 30.11.2013 at grammar school № 7 S. Seifullin solemn line on "Кемеңгер көшбасшымен татулық кемесінде " Students and teachers were offered bright meaningful composition " Үш қоңыр " prepared teacher Sharipova GB, Nurpeysovoy JM, RB Erubaev  

My first President

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-01 17:00:01
My first President 4 "B" grade homeroom was open on the topic "My first President." Students learned a lot of new and interesting things from the life and work of our Prezidenta.Vyrazili their wishes and appreciation to the President, as for all he is an example and pride of the nation.

Open lesson "Projection of geometric solids"

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-29 09:50:09
Open lesson "Projection of geometric solids" November 29, 2013 drawing teacher grammar school № 7 them. S.Seifullin Botbaeva Aigul Orynbekovna held a public lecture on "The projection of geometric solids" in 9Ә class. The lesson was conducted on the use of information technology flipchart. The lesson was rated as "excellent".

Open lesson "Tyebay"

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-28 09:54:18
Open lesson "Tyebay" November 28, 2013 in the 6A class was open lesson on kazahskomoy literature on "Tүyebay" B.Mailin. Lesson conducted teacher of Kazakh language and literature Eleubekova MZ The lesson was on the technology "Bloom's Taxonomy." Students showed their activity and invited guests expressed their gratitude.

Open Lesson "5 sanyn kobeytu zhane bolu kestesі"

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-28 09:51:24
Open Lesson "5 sanyn kobeytu zhane bolu kestesі"   November 28 at the 3A class primary school teacher Zhaksybai Gulfairus Zhaksybaykyzy held an open lesson in mathematics on "5 sanyn kөbeytu zhane bөlu kestesі." Using information technology, interactive teaching methods lesson held at a high technological level. Students showed their activity and invited guests ex...

Solemn line " Elіn sүygen - Elbasy "

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-25 09:53:07
Solemn line " Elіn sүygen - Elbasy " November 20, 2013 in grammar school № 7 S. Seifullin line passed on " Elіn sүygen - Elbasy " posvyashennaya the Day President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Zayuch on educational work Erubaev Riza Berikovna introduced for the purpose of the event. Propaganda Team school spoke about the work done in the first president of independent K...

Otқryty lesson "Centimeter decimeter zhane arasyndaғy қatynas"

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-25 09:48:44
Otқryty lesson "Centimeter decimeter zhane arasyndaғy қatynas" 11/18/2013, during a class 2B held a public lesson in math on "Measuring zhane decimeter arasyndaғy қatynas." Conducted a lesson teacher Kashkynbaeva Nazgul Shalgynbaevna.Int lesson: learn to measure with a ruler, development of speed, speed, logical thinking.

Regional Seminar of mathematics teachers

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-22 03:33:06
Regional Seminar of mathematics teachers Under the guidance of the Training Center of the Karaganda region in grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin was successfully held a seminar for teachers of mathematics on "Dissemination of best teaching practices."Adilbekova Ajgul Azhanovna in 11A class held a public lesson on the theme: "Transforming irrational expressions." At the lesso...

City competition " Әнші Балапан "

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-22 03:24:42
City competition " Әнші Балапан " 08/11/2013 at grammar school number 7 under the direction of the city department of education, physical education and sports competition was held " Әнші балапан ".The purpose of the contest - the development of musical creativity of students.The competition was attended by 16 schools in the city . Each representative of the school was pr...

Autumn Opening

Category: News
Date: 2013-11-22 03:16:44
Autumn Opening October 31, 2013in the city contest "Autumn Opening" of our students participated BоkenMerina and Sailaubek Asulan. Onibyli awarded the diploma in the nomination "Жаңашыл жұп."

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