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«Әкем, шешем және мен салауатты отбасы»

Category: News
Date: 2014-02-05 09:28:18
«Әкем, шешем және мен  салауатты отбасы»
«Әкем, шешем және мен  салауатты отбасы» Елбасымыз  Н.Назарбаевтың «Қазақстан -2030» стратегиялық даму бағдарламасындағы  халқына     жолдауында «Қазақстанның әрбір азаматының денсаулығы мықты, хал-ахуалы  жақсы болуы тиіс» деп атап көрсеткен болатын. Яғни, мемлекетттің бірінші кезектегі     &n...

Exhibition of paintings "Ертегілер әлемінде"

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-29 06:55:39
Exhibition of paintings
Exhibition of paintings "Ертегілер әлемінде"   In elementary school gymnasium № 7 S.Seifullin held elective courses "Ертегілер әлемінде", which aim to develop the child's imagination, a sense of respect and kindness to others, wealth development language learners speech culture. January 24, 2014 there was an exhibition of drawings by students to read the story....

A new wave of players

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-29 06:46:01
A new wave of players In grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin here 2 years running circle "Ak am » January 25, 2014 held in chess competition among students in grades 1-11 . The competition was attended by 50 students. Trainee 4Әclass Ydyrys Dulat ( chess champion ) once again showed its advantage over other students. I took place Ydyrys Dulat ( 4Әclass ), II took place Meshitbay Dana ( c...

Competition expressive reading

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-25 09:22:40
Competition expressive reading
Competition expressive reading   Within decades of the Russian language in grammar school № 7 Contest held expressive reading the one dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 8-10 classes. Responsible for this event was a teacher of Russian language and literature Sharipov Gulnur Baymbetovna . Purpose : - Education of patriotism - To attach students to the world of R...

Open lesson on the theme: "I and my family"

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-25 09:05:09
Open lesson on the theme:
Open lesson on the theme: "I and my family"   January 24, 2014. teacher of Russian language and literature Ahmetzhanova AS held a public lesson in the 3 'Ә "class on" I and my family. "Teachers use the lesson active and inter-active methods using information technology, t.e.flipchartov. The lesson was at a high level.

«Алтын сақа» интеллектуалды сайысы

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-25 08:58:32
«Алтын сақа»  интеллектуалды сайысы
«Алтын сақа»  интеллектуалды сайысы 4 сыныптар аралығында «Алтын сақа» интеллектуалды сайысы болып өтті. Оқушылар өздерінің алған білімдерін жан-жақты көрсете білді. Оқушылар  өз ойларын еркін жеткізе білді. Жігер тобына - «Асыл сөздер» номинациясы Намыс  тобына – «Ойшылдар» номинациясы Тапқырлар тобына  - «Ө...

"Tournament of experts"

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-22 12:02:06
"Tournament of experts" 22.01.2014 , during the week of the Russian language teacher of Russian language and literature Sarsembayeva LT held a competition " Competition experts" in the Russian language among pupils 5 - 6 classes. The competition involved two teams "Experts " and " literacy ." Students completed the assignment to 8 rounds in which you had...

Open lesson on game «Все профессии хороши».

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-22 11:57:04
Open lesson on game «Все профессии хороши».
Open lessonongame«Все профессии хороши».   01/21/14at 4A class lesson was open game on "All professions are good." Russian teacher Umbetzhanova TB used in the classroom variety of teaching methods. Problem lesson: enrichment and revitalization vocabulary speech improvement dialogic speech, proper use of thematic vocabulary. Present in the classroom guests noted a g...

Kazakhstan's Way 2050

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-22 11:47:28
Kazakhstan's Way 2050
Kazakhstan's Way 2050   01/20/2014 ruler school year began with a performance history teacher Nakypbekovoy JS with an explanation of the main directions of the President's Address NA Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan's way -2050 " " The overarching goal , common interests , common future" Director grammar school № 7 Husmoldinova NE stopped on the main direction...

There was English language week at gymnasium school №7 after S. Seifullin.

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-20 11:31:33
There was English language week at gymnasium school №7 after S. Seifullin.
There was English language week at gymnasium school №7 after S. Seifullin. The main aim of this week is to heighten children’s interest in English by out-of-class activities: -         English national fairytales for the 5th-6th  classes (showing fairytale in English and discussing it); -         Engli...

Президент Жолдауына пікір

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-20 02:39:55
Президент Жолдауына пікір                                               Жігер берген Жолдау  Елбасы Нұрсұлтан Назарбаевтың халыққа Жолдауы – біздің барша қоғам ж...

Our students winners of regional competitions.

Category: News
Date: 2014-01-13 10:46:05
Our students winners of regional competitions. Students in our school gymnasium № 7 were winners S.Seifullin regional competitions in Karaganda . A. Tleukul took third place in the Kazakh language and literature. Trainee Maltabar A. took third place in geography . A. AMangeldinova took third place on the subject of history. Invaluable role is the work of the teacher in the education and upbrin...

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