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On May 25, a solemn meeting was held under the title "from ear to ear, ringing the last bell". In the 2020-2021 academic year, 36 students are graduates. For the two 11th grade classes, a solemn meeting was held, divided into two times. According to the a

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-26 10:18:55
On May 25, a solemn meeting was held under the title "from ear to ear, ringing the last bell". In the 2020-2021 academic year, 36 students are graduates. For the two 11th grade classes, a solemn meeting was held, divided into two times. According to the algorithm of the last call, all sanitary standards are met. There is one parent for each student.

On May 20, the grand opening of the S. Seifullin School-Gymnasium No. 7 took place. Seifullina in order to improve the theoretical knowledge gained on initial military training, prepare future young soldiers for military service, instill a sense of patrio

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-20 16:00:08
On May 20, the grand opening of the S. Seifullin School-Gymnasium No. 7 took place. Seifullina in order to improve the theoretical knowledge gained on initial military training, prepare future young soldiers for military service, instill a sense of patriotism, love for the country, the land, control over the correct performance of young soldiers of their actions, the formation of psychologica...

15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy-adam balasynyn typ kazygy, altyn uyasy. Adam balasy shyr etip duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, sol ortanyn ystygyna, suygyna beyimdelip, ykpalyna konip er zhetedi.Sol otbasynan ulken omirge kadam basamyz.Bizdin omirimizge tuzu ka

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 12:25:03
15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy-adam balasynyn typ kazygy, altyn uyasy. Adam balasy shyr etip duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, sol ortanyn ystygyna, suygyna beyimdelip, ykpalyna konip er zhetedi.Sol otbasynan ulken omirge kadam basamyz.Bizdin omirimizge tuzu kadam basuymyzda otbasynyn orny erekshe ekenin 1-4 synyptarda uyymdastyrylgan "Menin otbasymynyn dasturleri" taqyrybynda baykau otti...

15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagd

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 12:16:37
15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagdai zhasaydy. Min osy oraida 7-11 synyptarda otbasy kunine orai "Menin kishkentai otanym" takyryptarynda synyp sagattary otse...

15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagd

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 12:16:34
15 mamyr otbasy kuni. Otbasy tarbiesi – bul zhalpy tarbienin en basty boligi. Ata-ana zhane otbasy musheleri zhas nareste duniege kelgen kunnen bastap, onyn omirine kamkorlyk zhasap, bolashagyn zhosparlaydy zhane sanaly azamat bolyp osui usin kazhet zhagdai zhasaydy. Min osy oraida 7-11 synyptarda otbasy kunine orai "Menin kishkentai otanym" takyryptarynda synyp sagattary otse...

On May 15, Family Day, a person's life begins with a family, where the formation of a citizen develops. The family is a hotbed of love, respect and solidarity, that is, the foundation of any conscious society. In this regard, a family hour on the theme "I

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-17 12:12:50
On May 15, Family Day, a person's life begins with a family, where the formation of a citizen develops. The family is a hotbed of love, respect and solidarity, that is, the foundation of any conscious society. In this regard, a family hour on the theme "I am proud of my Obasim"was held with the parents of grades 1-11.

On May 5,a remote (online) drawing contest "no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" was held, dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory with the participation of students of grades 1-3.

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-06 11:09:56
On May 5,a remote (online) drawing contest "no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" was held, dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory with the participation of students of grades 1-3.

On May 4, a family hour was held at the S. Seifullin school-gymnasium No. 7 with parents of the 9th grades on the formation of responsibility in choosing a profession, expanding the zone of self-knowledge, obtaining information from the world of the profe

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-05 10:11:13
On May 4, a family hour was held at the S. Seifullin school-gymnasium No. 7 with parents of the 9th grades on the formation of responsibility in choosing a profession, expanding the zone of self-knowledge, obtaining information from the world of the profession, pointing out modern scarce professions and organizing summer work and summer safety of students.

School-gymnasium No. 7 named after him. Sakena Seifullina, Balkhash, sent the challenge "Kazakhstan-our common home" to the school-lyceum No. 15 named after him. Alikhana Bokeikhana Balkhash

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-30 15:27:18
School-gymnasium No. 7 named after him. Sakena Seifullina, Balkhash, sent the challenge "Kazakhstan-our common home" to the school-lyceum No. 15 named after him. Alikhana Bokeikhana Balkhash

On April 29, charity events will be organized as part of the Spring Week of Good Deeds. The nobility of the Kazakh virtues-generosity, generosity. It is characteristic of the soul that seeks to serve man and do good. In this regard, the students of the 9t

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-30 09:39:09
On April 29, charity events will be organized as part of the Spring Week of Good Deeds. The nobility of the Kazakh virtues-generosity, generosity. It is characteristic of the soul that seeks to serve man and do good. In this regard, the students of the 9th grade of the school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin held a charity event "From heart to heart", organized by the class...

the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region and the state institution

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-28 14:41:16
On April 23, the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region and the state institution "gymnasium named after S. Seifullin" of Karaganda held a regional scientific and practical conference on the topic "Sahara sunkary - Saken". In the direction of the conference "Saken Zholy – "Tar Zhol, slippery Keshu"...

April 26-30 is the spring week of good deeds. The purity of society begins with the fact that everyone cares about their personal cleanliness. Purity-the level of spiritual and cultural maturity of a person in grades 8-9, class hours were held on the them

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-27 11:46:04
April 26-30 is the spring week of good deeds. The purity of society begins with the fact that everyone cares about their personal cleanliness. Purity-the level of spiritual and cultural maturity of a person in grades 8-9, class hours were held on the theme "purity of the soul-purity of the world".

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