National Pilot Project 2015-2016 school year. School "Spiritually - Humane Pedagogy"

Date: 2015-10-13 01:57:51

Objective: "Self-knowledge through the integration of spiritual and moral education" 


1.     Spiritually, morally, the project in the school education teachers;

2.    The study, the research works of the great teachers on the topic "Іzgіlіktі pedagogy manifesі" spiritual and moral themes;

3.     On the basis of  "Самопознание" create, develop preschool children spiritual and moral values;

4.    Development of basic and substantive competence of students through the integration of the subject "Самопознание" and other items;

5.     On the basis of the subject"Самопознание" he subject of the integration of the educational enrichment of spiritual and moral values

6.     Having a good supervision in the process of training and educating the younger generation in all of the methods and approaches

7.     Children in the sense of «Перзенттік;

8.     Form the students self-confidence, self-development, self-improvement, to develop responsibility towards future profession in the development of the condition

9.     Participation in the development of a new education center tolerance associations of teachers, students and parents;

10. Create conditions of researchers and educators on the work structure in the laboratory

11. Develop a database of the project "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school" in a unified information and analytical consulting;

12. "The spiritual and humane pedagogical school" to provide project participants: teachers, students, parents survey, enter the result;

13.Factor improving the quality of education researchers, educators, spiritual and moral thought and action, to raise the level of competence;

14. To conduct the project "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school" seminar for students and parents to host a workshop, seminar-trainings;

15. Publish in the press the project work "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school";

16 Prepare a reflective report on the project "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school." (First half-year, the II half-year, the annual report)







To approve, create a regional project "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school"

Дубирбекова К.Ш.

Туяков Е.К

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

2015-2016 school year


availability of plans approved


Enter the order on the basis of the implementation of the regional project "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school"

Дубирбекова К.Ш.

Туяков Е.К.


2015-2016 school year




Spend constantly in ordinary schools, high schools monitoring, diagnostics as part of the regional project

Дубирбекова К.Ш.

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.

Тусупова Н.Д.

Ерменбетова Г.О.

Бейсекина Г.А.

Жуматова И.Ж.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Акшалова А.Т.

Тлеуберлина А.

2015-2016 school year


monitoring, diagnostics


create a spiritual space, based on humane values in the child's education "Self-knowledge" and other educational spheres

pedagogical team

2015-2016 school year


to create a space


On the basis of "self-knowledge" create, develop preschool children spiritual and moral values;

Дубирбекова К.Ш.

Жунус Н.Г.

Адамкулова А.А.

Тусупова Н.Д.

Ерменбетова Г.О.

Бейсекина Г.А.

Жуматова И.Ж.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Акшалова А.Т.

Тлеуберлина А.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

2015-2016 school year

create, develop values


Sentimental Education " Перзенттік " and to analyze the development of a reflexive module

Адамкулова А.А.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

2015-2016 school year

the presence of reflective analysis


Form the students self-confidence, self-development, self-improvement, to develop responsibility towards future profession in the development of the condition

The administration of the school-lyceum

subject teachers social class teachers teacher


2015-2016 school year

to create conditions


Weekly self-object

Жунус Н.Г.

Адамкулова А.А.

Бейсекина Г.А.

Жуматова И.Ж.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Акшалова А.Т.

Тлеуберлина А.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

Туяков Е.К

2015-2016 school year

Information Final Week


Whole participated teachers and educators «Таңшуақ» in the project's boundaries «Рухани-ізгіліктіпедагогикамектебі» National Scientific and Practical educational and wellness center «Бөбек» 

Дубирбекова К.Ш.

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.


2015-2016 school year

Participation in BA courses


The study, the research works of the great teachers on the topic «Ізгілікті педагогика манифесі» and spiritual and moral themes;

Participants of the project all teachers

2015-2016 school year

reading literature, research


Stock «Таза мектепке – таза сөз»

Жунус Н.Г.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

Туяков Е.К

2015-2016 school year



Call the main and substantive jurisdiction over the subject «Самопознание» and other items

subject teacher

2015-2016 school year

basic and subject specific competences


Continue tolerance education center to develop a new type among teachers, pupils and parents assosatsii

Дубирбекова К.Ш.

Туяков Е.К

Жунус Н.Г.

Адамкулова А.А.

Тусупова Н.Д.

Ерменбетова Г.О.

Бейсекина Г.А.

Жуматова И.Ж.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Акшалова А.Т.

Тлеуберлина А.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

2015-2016 school year

Tolerance Education Center


Participants in the project: teachers, students, parents survey, conduct a survey, enter the result

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Акшалова А.Т.

Тлеуберлина А.


survey questionnaire


To monitor the activities in the project

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Акшалова А.Т.

Тлеуберлина А.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

2015-2016 school year



Conduct training seminars for teachers in the framework of the project "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school"

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

the first and second half of the year

training seminar


Publish in the press the project work "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school"

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

заведующий кафедры

2015-2016 school year



Prepare a reflective report on the project "Spiritual and humane pedagogical school"

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

2015-2016 school year

reflective report


Conduct manual of the "spiritual and humane pedagogical school"

Туяков Е.К

Адамкулова А.А.

Рахимберлина А.Н.

Төлеуғазы Т.А.

2015-2016 school year
