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Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding Abaev readings in the framework of the decade dedicated to the "Spiritual Heritage" Program

Date: 2017-10-31 08:48:01
Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding Abaev readings in the framework of the decade dedicated to the

On October 24, the teacher of the Kazakh language Mukazhanova A. held a round table "M.Auezov.Roman" Way of Abai ", timed to the 120 anniversary of M. Auezov. Purpose: to show the humanistic pathos of the works of the great writer, to educate moral ideals.

Ғulama alemіne teren үnіlіp, omіrі changed shygarmashylygyna tolyқ tanysu maқsatynda Mұhtar Әuezovtyң tuғanyna 120 zhyl toluyna Ori, 2017 zhyldyn 26 kazanynda 5 synyp oқushylary arasynda ziyatkerlіk sayysymyzdy ұyymdastyrdyқ.
Әdebiet әlemіne құshaқ zhayғan, syrly yes, cheeses saying poetry tөrіne kanat sermegen Bolashak adebietshі ul - kyzdarymyz zhazushynyn өmіrderegі, shyғarmashylyғy, Jean - zhaқty zertteulerіne toktala otyryp, ziyatkerlіk sayyska yes қatysa otyryp, өz bіlіmderіn ortaғa Salda "XXI ғasyr kөshbasshysy" taқyrybynda өtken ziyatkerlіk sayysymyzdyң соңында оқушылар көп мәліметпен таныс болғандарын, дегенмен көп іздену керектігін тілге тиек етті. Uymdastyrushy.
With the purpose of acquaintance with the biography and the creative path of Mukhtar Auezov 25.10. creative contest "Leader of the XXIV century" was held, timed
to the 120 anniversary of M. Auezov.

Author: School №9