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Information on the celebration of Nauryz -2017 in secondary school №9

Date: 2017-03-20 04:16:52
Information on the celebration of Nauryz -2017 in secondary school №9
18.03. Held a competition "Zhigit sultana" among the 4 th grades. The goal: to expand the knowledge of children about the holiday of Nauryz, to cultivate respect for national customs and rituals. The contest was very interesting, the participants received certificates in various nominations.
      18.03. Held a contest of expressive reading among the 5 th grades on the theme "Oosh keldiӘ, Әz Nauryz!".
      18.03. Class leader of grade 10 Elshibekov S., a contest was held among 8,9,10 classes on the theme "Kazatyk Salt - dүstүrlerinen, ұлттық ойнндардан". Each class showed in a dramatization how Kazakhs meet Nauryz, customs and rituals.
      18.03. Open class hours from the 1st to the 11th classes on the topic "Nauryz zhyl basses" were held.
       All planned activities were carried out on time.
Author: School №9