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Election of the president of the" school Parliament " in the school-gymnasium No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin from April 13 to 14

Date: 2021-04-19 09:05:24
From April 13 to 14, the saken Seifullin School No. 7 holds the election of the president of the "school Parliament" in order to implement the rights of students to participate in the management of the school, to educate a person with bright organizational qualities, capable of making decisions, responsible and disciplined, ready to make independent choices and have an active life position in the school. Participants of the elections are students of grades 8-9:
1. Yermek Ayazhan
2. Turganbek Dilnaz
3. Batyrkhan Kasimov
4. Kurmash Aruzhan
5. Yergali Kamila
6. Sundet Aiza
We wish the participants good luck!