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Since ancient times, the peoples of the East celebrate the holiday of Nauryz. This holiday reflects the harmony of nature and man. Since 2001, Nauryz has been declared a state holiday. March 22 is the great day of the Ulus. On this day, day and night are

Date: 2021-04-13 16:09:00

Since ancient times, the peoples of the East celebrate the holiday of Nauryz. This holiday reflects the harmony of nature and man. Since 2001, Nauryz has been declared a state holiday. March 22 is the great day of the Ulus. On this day, day and night are equal.

      For the holiday of Nauryz, the library organized a book exhibition "Nauryz-Ulystyn uly kuni". The book exhibition presents books and magazines "Kazak halkynyn salt-dasturleri", "Bizdin merekeler", "Kazak halkynyn dasturli oneri", "Nauryz", "Altybakan", "Kazaktyn ulttyk oyindary", etc. The librarian gave the students an idea of the Nauryz holiday, reviewed the traditions, national clothes, dishes, and national games of the Kazakh people. The students shared their opinions and read poems about Nauryz.