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19.02.2021, the school-gymnasium №7 named.With. Seifullin Balkhash within Weeks of physical culture "you are healthy, can all", organized by the educational-methodical center of development of education of Karaganda region,the project" Onegeli Omir " held

Date: 2021-02-25 08:16:25



19.02.2021, the school-gymnasium №7 named.With. Seifullin Balkhash within Weeks of physical culture "you are healthy, can all", organized by the educational-methodical center of development of education of Karaganda region,the project" Onegeli Omir " held a meeting with the head of children's and youth sports schools of the city of Balkhash, the master of sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling by Beligium Abychom Setbottomitem.