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On 11.12.2020, according to the plan, a raid was organized for minors "children in the Night City". The raid was attended by social teachers Kanat G. D., Tataeva N. R., school inspector Tugaybekova S. M., DTII Erubaeva R. B, Rakhimbekov Sh.R. The main pur

Date: 2020-12-15 12:43:28
On 11.12.2020, according to the plan, a raid was organized for minors
On 11.12.2020, according to the plan, a raid was organized for minors "children in the Night City". The raid was attended by social teachers Kanat G. D., Tataeva N. R., school inspector Tugaybekova S. M., DTII Erubaeva R. B, Rakhimbekov Sh.R.
The main purpose of the special event is to prevent crimes and offenses committed and suffered by minors.