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The results of the distance Olympiad in grades 1-4, organized by the Scientific and Methodological Center "Өрлеу"

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-04-05 17:50:46
The results of the distance Olympiad in grades 1-4, organized by the Scientific and Methodological Center
  86 pupils of our school took part in the Olympiad in mathematics, Kazakh language, world outlook, discourses, open for 1-4 classes, organized by the Scientific and Methodological Center "Orleu" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 86 of them won prizes. Winners and school principals were awarded with a Letter of Gratitude for the preparation...
Author: School №5

«Сарыарқа дарыны» аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық орталығы ұйымдастырған Облыстық «Зияткер» марафонының қорытындысы

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-04-05 17:45:40
«Сарыарқа дарыны» аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық орталығы ұйымдастырған Облыстық «Зияткер» марафонының қорытындысы
          «Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебі» КММ –де Қарағанды облысының білім басқармасы «Сарыарқа дарыны» аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық орталығы ұйымдастырған Облыстық «Зияткер» марафонына 2-4 сыныптардан 32 оқушы қатысты. Нәтижесінде 2 сыныптан 2 оқушысы ІІ орын, 4 сыныптан 2 оқушысы ІІ орын, 3 оқушы ІІІ орын ди...
Author: School №5

The results of the school Olympiad

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-04-05 17:33:30
 The results of the school Olympiad
     The School Olympiad in the Kazakh language, mathematics and mathematics went to KSU "Middle School № 5 Balkhash". In the Olympiad the  training were divided into four classes - 4 classes of the 2 nd class. 53 children were all born. 4th class Bolat Manzur Darkhanbaev Alkhan, Nassen Nurdaulet, Aitbekov Altair, Sailgazin Nurhan, Ermekov Sultan, Mazhat N...
Author: School №5

Book Week:"The best reader-2018".

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-04-05 10:35:34
 Book Week:
  At the time, the school library combined with the city library "Gaidar" held the "Book Week". 4 "A", 4 "A" exercises were made on the basis of "Aldere Cose and Kozanasiere". In the "Best reader-2018" competition was held in the school library or at the time. The best readers were awarded diplomas.      ...
Author: School №5

On the 19th of March at the school went to a celebratory concert "Kosh keldin merekeli, berekeli az Nauryz!"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-04-05 09:32:18
On the 19th of March at the school went to a celebratory concert
        March 19 at our school in the framework of the revival of the spiritual - traditional "Kosh keldin merekeli, berekeli az Nauryz!"celebration. The purpose of the presentation to the children about traditions of the Kazakh people Nauryz line, respecting the language and educate him.        The line, organized by the pupils of the 10th c...
Author: School №5

Competition "Balausa brumdy Kyz – 2018"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-04-04 13:44:45
             In the framework of the program of spiritual revival and the preparatory group of the festival dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana city and the school 1 - grade 2 "Balausa brandy Kyz – 2018!". The event was announced prior to classes haarlander activities, goals and objectives defined. The aim of the competition the Kazakh n...
Author: School №5

"Nauryz - zhyl basy"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-03-26 11:03:10
      In the secondary school №5 of the city of Balkhash in the 2nd "B" class on March 16 held a great hour "Nowruz –the beginning of the year." The celebration was held under a single Shanyrak, close-knit family United and happy. The students shared their knowledge about the praznik Nauryz, defended the project divided into three groups, had fun playing...
Author: School №5

It was a cool hour for Nauryz day

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-03-26 10:47:22
It was a cool hour for Nauryz day
     March 20 in pre-school preparatory group 0 "Փ" was a class hour for the day Nauryz. Children read poems about the spring festival and danced. They received useful information about the traditional holiday Nauryz.
Author: School №5

"Armysyn, az Nauryz"

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-03-26 10:37:52
     19-20 March 2018. in the mini-center "Erketay" matinee was devoted to the day of Nowruz in the young and srednicach. The celebration was shown in the Kazakh tradition "Tusaukeser". Aldar Kose was visiting. Children together with Aldar Kose played folk games "Arkan tartys" , "Takiya tastamak", "Kyz kuu", danced and sang songs....
Author: School №5

«Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының қорытынды ақпары

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-03-12 15:49:59
«Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының қорытынды ақпары
    Мектебімізде 2018 жылғы 10 ақпан – 10 наурыз аралығында «Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының жоспары бекітіліп, айлық іс –шара өткізілді.     Мақсаты: Баланы оның денсаулығына зиян келтіретін ақпараттың, насихат пен үгіттің теріс ықпалынан қорғауға қоғамның назарын аудару болып табылады. Жоспар бойынша ата-аналармен оқушылар ү...
Author: School №5

«Аяулы анашым»

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-03-07 09:17:40
«Аяулы анашым»
         At general high school №5 mini-center "Еркетай" in the second junior group  "Балдырған" a morning performance passed under the name "Аяулы анашым". On a morning performance  children taking in hands flowerets congratulated the mothers. A holiday began choir of "Анашым". "Spring" came on a holiday . A sp...
Author: School №5

«Маму поздравляют малыши»

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-03-07 09:09:49
«Маму поздравляют малыши»
    05.03.18г. in ОСШ №5 in a mini-center "Еркетай" in a group a "Sun"  a morning performance passed under the name "Mother is congratulated by kids ". Babies sang songs, read verses, collected flowerets for mothers. A merry holiday made off beautiful pair dance the "Ringing palms". At the end of morning performance kids presented to it moth...
Author: School №5

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