"Compliance with the rules of the road"

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-10-12 07:36:34
In 04.10.17 G. district inspector of the juvenile police the juvenile police Department. Balkhash senior Lieutenant of police of Kasymzhanova A. K. was interviewed with students in grades 1-4 on a subject: "Observance of traffic rules". In the end, all students distributed a memo.

Information on the work carried out for the prevention of child road traffic injuries

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-10-09 09:00:43
Information on the work carried out for the prevention of child road traffic injuries
In General school - boarding General type in connection with the decade on child injury conducted the following work.   1. 12.09.2017 ƒ the school health Workers interviewed among the students from 1st to 9th class on the theme "Prevention of road traffic injuries".   2. . 07.09.2017 year the conversation among the students from 1st to 5th class on the topic: &qu...

Test Swiss psychologist M. lusher.

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-10-03 10:35:46
October 2, 2017 psychologist KSU"Secondary school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" held a color test Swiss psychologist M. lusher.   In the diagnosis accepted by students registered at the HSE.   The purpose of this diagnostic was to measure the psychophysiological state of children.

Parent meeting

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-09-12 04:30:01
Parent meeting
08.09.2017 was the PTA meeting, they discussed the issue of forming lichnochti in a child also known child therapist, A. S. Spivakovskaya and his seven types of parental love. Had been given advice on how to be a good parent, for example:   Three steps to "good parenting"    1.Try to find inner peace and develop positive attitude primarily to his own parents.&nbs...

Psychological diagnostics

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-09-12 03:35:53
Psychological diagnostics
07.09.2017 year in a General educational boarding school conducted psychological diagnosis of the first class, diagnosis was carried out according to the method of Core – Eurasica which detects speech, cognitive development, the ability to perform academic tasks, skills, artistic activities.

«EXPO 2017 Astana»

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-09-12 03:33:47
«EXPO 2017 Astana»
With 11.07.2017 for 13.07.2017 trip "EXPO 2017 Astana" from our school went to 8 students. Children get positive emotions they admired Kazakhstan's pavilion and many other pavilions. The same children visited "Baiterek", Museum, hall of the thematic development of Astana city.

Career guidance

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-05-18 11:07:20
Career guidance
May 16, 2017 for students in grades 8-9 were made by the team from among students of Balkhash technical College with the purpose of motivating. The children told what profession they are studying in College, what benefits are more prevalent in workers with specialties.

"The pages of the magazine "Aigolek"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2017-05-13 05:35:30
6 may 2017 in the walls of the boarding school №2 held city competition of prazdnovanie anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war on the eve of the 72 "magazine " Aigolek", dedicated to the feat of the Hero of the Soviet Union Kazbek Nurhanova. The competition purpose: Education of youth citizenship and patriotism, respect to the immortal feat of the expansion and dee...

"The dawns here are quiet"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2017-05-10 06:26:50
4 may 2017 dance group "Arabesk" boarding school participated in the city festival staged wartime songs. Our school presented the audience a song from the film "dawns here are quiet", received a certificate of appreciation for decent performance. The veterans thanked all participants of the festival for the memory of this already distant, but terrible war.

A questionnaire survey on the prevention of religious extremism

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-05-02 11:25:06
28.04.2017 in secondary school-boarding General type, among adolescents age 14-21 years was carried out a questionnaire survey on the prevention of religious extremism. In the survey participated pupils of 8-9 classes, 14 – 16 students, 15 years, 10 students, 16 years – 6 children in total 32 pupils.

City competition

Category: our achievements
Date: 2017-04-21 10:37:13
City competition
19.04.2017 the city hosted the city competition of readings devoted to the 180 anniversary from the date of the death of Pushkin and the 95th anniversary of the Pushkin Museum in the village of Mikhailovskoye. Students attended grades 9 : Nikiforova A., Rogatkin M., A. karakhanova all got a lot of experience, at the end of the competition were awarded with diplomas.

Parent meetings

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-04-17 09:58:45
Parent meetings
Parent meetings 14.04.17 G. KSU", OSIT" was held parent meetings on the topic: 1. "Life goals of adolescents .How to prepare students for the exams" 2.Organization of summer rest of pupils. Acquainted parents with schedules the holding of bills and final examinations,consultations for the preparation of exams. This tips for preparing students for the exams. Parents...

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