Қорытынды мемлекеттік аттестаттау

"Legendary Batyr, warrior - writer Baurzhan Momyshuly ”.

Category: library
Date: 2020-01-11 07:31:35
As part of the upcoming celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Second World War, as well as the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh writer B. Momyshuly, on the basis of the library of school-lyceum No. 17 of Balkhash, in order to foster patriotism and respect for the history of the country, librarians of secondary school № 1,4,10,17 held a reading conference for students in grades 8...
Author: School №17

Всемирный урок на тему «Защищенное детство в будущем: для каждого ребенка, каждое право»

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-01-10 15:44:14
13 ноября в школе - лицей №17 был проведен Всемирный урок на тему «Защищенное детство в будущем: для каждого ребенка, каждое право» в рамках реализации  Концепции празднования 30-летия принятия, 25-летия ратификации Республикой Казахстан Конвенции ООН о правах ребенка. В мероприятии участвовали учащиеся 9  класса. Были подготовлены мини проекты по ознакомлению со статьями К...
Author: School №17

“The Magical World of the Library”

Category: library
Date: 2020-01-10 12:55:49
“The Magical World of the Library”
09/26/2019 On the basis of lyceum school No. 17 of Balkhash, the event “The Magical World of the Library” was held to familiarize first-graders with the school library. The participants in the event were first grade students
Author: School №17

Participation in the Republican stage of the 28th international Bulgarian state Olympiad "Chernorizets Brave" in Burabay

Category: Methodical Department of "Science"
Date: 2020-01-09 12:39:40
Participation in the Republican stage of the 28th international Bulgarian state Olympiad
In the framework of cooperation of school-Lyceum #17 of the BSF, the INTELLECTUAL-2050, with the support of the Department of education in Balkhash town, pupils of school - Lyceum #17 and #15 today participated in the Republican stage 28 - the International Bulgarian national competition "Chernorizets Hrabar" in Burabay. Here are the long-awaited results! The lucky winner of the first...
Author: School №17

Participation in the intellectual game " Kokpar"

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2020-01-09 12:34:46
Participation in the intellectual game
7.01.2020, our children participated in a master class in mathematics. The master class was conducted by the owner of the badge Ybyraya Altynsarin, a mathematics teacher of the highest qualification category of the school-Lyceum # 59 of Nur-Sultan Baltabayev Abay Kenesuly. In the game "Kokpar" Balkhash team of 3-4 classes won with a result of 375 points, with a significant margin of 10...
Author: School №17

Republican round of the 28th international Olympiad "Chernorizets Brave"in Burabay

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2020-01-09 12:24:08
Republican round of the 28th international Olympiad
Today, 06.01.2020, young intellectuals took part in the Republican round of the 28th international Olympiad "Chernorizets Brave"in Burabay. We wish the participants of the victory!!!
Author: School №17

Kazakhstan's Lapland

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2020-01-09 12:16:13
Kazakhstan's Lapland
05.01.2020, our children visited Kazakhstan's Lapland. The most beautiful winter fairy tale of Borovoe resort and the magical world of Ayaz ATA perfectly harmonize with each other. Good Santa was happy to show his mansion, a store of toys. The children saw a lot of interesting things in his house and learned a lot of magic secrets! In addition to communicating with Santa Claus, the children...
Author: School №17

Meeting of young intellectuals with Muammer Gul

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2020-01-09 12:07:58
Meeting of young intellectuals with Muammer Gul
Today, January 4, 2020, there was a meeting of young intellectuals with Muammer Gul-a teacher included in the Guinness book of records. Its 824 students have won gold medals at national and international mathematical Olympiads. Total gold, silver and bronze medalists 2413! Also at leisure, the children splashed in the pool and rode on cheesecakes.
Author: School №17

Olympiad in mathematics "Chernorizets Brave"

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2020-01-09 12:05:40
Olympiad in mathematics
From January 3 to 8, 2020, 13 students of the school-Lyceum #17 and @balkhash_mektep15 of Balkhash will take part in the Republican stage Of the international Bulgarian state Olympiad in mathematics "Chernorizets Brave" among students in grades 2-11 on the basis of RUOC "Baldauren" of Akmola region. Today, children with accompanying teachers arrived in Baldauren and managed t...
Author: School №17

Кәсіптік бағыт - бағдар бойынша жұмыс

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-01-09 11:48:11
11 қараша күні №17 мектеп - лицейінде Қарағанды экономика университетінің өкілі 11 сынып оқушыларына  кәсіптік бағыт - бағдар бойынша жұмыс жүргізді. Университетте қандай мамандық иелерін дайындайтынын, университет жетістіктерін, болашақ студенттерге қандай мүмкіндіктер жасалатынына тоқталды. Оқушылар сауалнамаға жауап бере отырып, өздеріне қажетті ақпараттар бойынша сұрақ қойып, толыққанды...
Author: School №17

"Час добропорядочности"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-01-09 11:46:55
6 ноября 2019 года в 9-х классах Ш-л#17 прошёл "Час добропорядочности". Ребята обсуждали темы честности и рассудительности, пути  предотвращения коррупционных  преступлений. Все учащиеся были  единогласны в неприятии  мздоимства, в создании антикоррупционных стандартов поведения.
Author: School №17

Городской конкурс "Радиоуправляемая автомодель "Buggy"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-01-09 11:44:35
31 октября 2019 года ученик 6 а класса школы - лицея №17 города Балхаш Порохов Иван занял второе призовое место в городском конкурсе  "Радиоуправляемая автомодель "Buggy", который проводился во Дворце Школьников. Поздравляем победителя!
Author: School №17

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