Yesterday, the second of April in the center "Tanshuak" for teachers and educators coacher Dzhakupova Z.A. was held coaching "Cambridge educational technology and seven modules".

Date: 2014-04-03 11:09:51
Yesterday, the second of April in the center
Yesterday, the second of April in the center "Tanshuak" for teachers and educators coacherDzhakupova Z.A. washeld coaching "Cambridge educational technology and seven modules".Coaching session was for us a new kind of training to improve professional work of teachers . She presented us with seven modules in teaching . In this coaching we introduced to the ideas of the Program...

Form-master of 6 “V” conducted parents’ meeting in a new fashion

Date: 2014-03-31 09:04:32
Form-master of 6 “V” conducted parents’ meeting in a new fashion
Form-master of 6 “V” conducted parents’ meeting in a new fashion. The meeting was begun from greeting and warm-up for creation of collaborative surroundings. She held division into groups with the help of colorful stickers, allotted parents into four groups on five person, then they made a gold rule of work in group. With the help of presentation she familiarized with theme, ai...

Teacher of primary classes Zhakupova Aizada Zholdybaevna conducted

Date: 2014-03-28 06:24:57
 Teacher of primary classes Zhakupova Aizada Zholdybaevna conducted
Teacher of primary classes Zhakupova Aizada Zholdybaevna conducted open lesson on literary reading of  B.Sokpakbaev «Kamkorlyk» under the leadership of her teacher.The aim of the lesson:  Control of pupils’ knowledge on levels A, В, С.

The coaching-session “Medium-term planning in context on seven modules” was conducted in our school on 18.03.2014.

Date: 2014-03-19 11:22:20
The coaching-session “Medium-term planning in context on seven modules” was conducted in our school on 18.03.2014. The coaching was begun from meeting and warm-up for creation of good mood. Division into groups was held with help of entertainment “Five fingers”, they distributed participants into five groups. They familiarized with theme, aim and tasks of the coaching wit...

“Process of Lesson Study “research of the lesson” for increasing of education quality”.

Date: 2014-03-19 11:19:41
“Process of Lesson Study “research of the lesson” for increasing of education quality”.
          Coach Zhumanova G.M. and Dzhakupova Z.A. conducted the coaching-session “Process of Lesson Study “research of the lesson” for increasing of education quality”. During the coaching teachers haven’t only received information, also they created short-term planning for teachers of primary classes and Maths in the gr...


Date: 2014-03-17 04:06:34
Мектеп қауымдастығы аясындағы мектеп директоры Қ.Ш.Дүбірбекованың «Оқу сапасы мен тәрбиені жақсартуда мектептегі тиімді бөлінген көшбасшылықтың ролі» тақырыбындакоучинг  өткізді. Қауымдастыққа қала мектептерінің 13 мектебі тіркеліп он – лайн режимінде қатысып пікір алмасты.

The results of the trial UNT 01.02.2014

Date: 2014-02-10 06:18:24
The results of the trial UNT                                            01.02.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The results of the trial UNT 27.01.2014

Date: 2014-02-10 06:16:18
The results of the trial UNT                                            27.01.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The results of the trial UNT 14.01.2014

Date: 2014-02-10 06:14:14
The results of the trial UNT                                            14.01.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The results of the trial UNT 14.12.2013

Date: 2014-02-10 06:11:29
The results of the trial UNT                                            14.12.2013 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The results of the trial UNT 14.01.2014

Date: 2014-01-22 06:18:12
The results of the trial UNT                                            14.01.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The report for І half-year pedagogics psychologist about the done work in 2013-2014 school year.

Date: 2014-01-18 09:19:05
According to plan in September 2013 school year was conducted next work: 1.Adaptation goes to transition first graders  from game to learn. Objective:Toidentify difficulties during adaptation, relation of the child with the teacher. Amongfirst graders has passed testing Kern Jirasek "Preparing students for school" In 2013school year of first graders parent meeting has pass...

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