Еңбек практикасының графигі

Date: 2015-06-22 05:58:07
1 кезең:  1.06-13.06 2 - кезең:  15.06-27.06 3 - кезең: 29.06.-11.07 4 - кезең:  13.07-25.07 5 - кезең: 27.07-8.08 6 - кезең:  10.08-22.08 7 - кезең: 24.08.-29.09

Оқушылардың еңбек практикасының жұмыс жоспарының кестесі.

Date: 2015-06-22 05:54:18
№ Атқарылатын жұмыс көлемі Атқарылатын жұмыс күндері  Сыныптар Жауапты тұлға 1 Мектеп-лицейдің көпкешенді спорт алаңын тазалау. Кордты жуу. 1.06.-6.06.2015 5 А,Ә,Б,В,Г,   Отарбаев А....

UNT of 2015 year

Date: 2015-06-12 09:58:20
UNT of 2015 year     Graduates of our school passed the United National Testing on 07.06.2015 in Balkhash town. The average score on testing – 99, by four subjects – 82, all pupils have passed threshold level, “2” is absent.   Results of UNT: Subject Average mark Quality Hi...

Mathematics without Borders

Date: 2015-06-12 05:00:22
International project "Mathematics without Borders" has started its work. October 26, 2014 passed the autumn season of remote Olympiad, which was attended by 2-9 grades    

Application for participation in "Zerde" research projects for 2014-2015 school year

Date: 2015-06-12 04:51:49
№ The name  of the participant The theme of the project Section Grade The name of the project's head The Year of Beginning 1 2 3 4 5 8...

Application for participation in "Zerde" research projects for 2014-2015 school year

Date: 2015-06-12 04:48:00
  № The name  of the participant The theme of the project Section Grade The name of the project's head The Year of Beginning   1 2 3 4...

On 16 April at KSU «School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash» washeld Republic conference which colled «Phsycological consyl tvo parents» in preparing graduaters to the UNT .

Date: 2015-05-20 12:18:54
On 16 April at KSU «School-lyceum №15 of  Balkhash»  washeld  Republic conference which colled «Phsycological consyl  tvo parents» in preparing graduaters to the UNT .
On 16 April at KSU «School-lyceum №15 of  Balkhash»  washeld  Republic conference which colled «Phsycological consyl  tvo parents»in preparing graduaters to the UNT . dedicated to International Parents Day. The aim of given conference was to consult parents abaut how to sowe problem in diffirent Situations.

Young defenders of the Fatherland

Date: 2015-04-13 12:21:38
Young defenders of the Fatherland
Awarded to the team school Lyceum №15 with First place in the military sports game "Young defenders of the Fatherland", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Psychological training for parents

Date: 2015-03-30 07:14:33
Psychological training for parents
The Aim. Enlarge psychological competence about parenting from their parents, to develop acceptable relationship with the child, attraction to cooperation through training and educational work. 1.  Acquaintance with parents. The Aim.To ensure favorable conditions in the grou 2. Work with a group 3.“Throw the ball” exercise The Aim. Determine the relationship between th...

On March 12, the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in the school library held readers' conference on the novel Saiyn Muratbekov "The bitter smell of sagebrush."

Date: 2015-03-14 12:03:11
On March 12, the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in the school library held readers' conference on the novel Saiyn Muratbekov
On March 12,the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in the school library held readers' conference on the novel Saiyn Muratbekov "The bitter smell ofsagebrush." The conference was attended not only by pupils 7Ә, 2B, 8B, 6Ә classes, but also their parents. Children with their parents thought about the fate of the protagonist of the story, the fate of people in wartime.

Мектептегі өзгеріс

Date: 2015-02-16 12:42:24
  Мектептегі өзгеріс  Мектепті дамытуды   жоспарлау     Мектеп –лицей басшысы ретінде мектептің даму жоспарын осы оқу бағдарламасының негізгі идеясына сүйеніп, еліміздің заманауи білім беру моделі мен әлемдегі білім беру стандартына сәйкес болуын ойластыра отырып&...

Profile training - the first step to choosing a profession.

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2015-02-16 12:37:43
Profile training - the first step to choosing a profession.
Profile training - the first step to choosing a profession. Director of lyceum Dubirbekova K.SH Deputy Director for innovative work Zhunus N.G KSU "Lyceum №15 of Balkhash"   The strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050" Head of State NursultanNazarbayev special role to education, and the nation as one of the main conditions for the prosperity of the country, place among com...

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