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Menu of 03.02.2022

Category: School canteen
Date: 2022-02-03 13:47:08
Menu of 03.02.2022
Author: School №9

"My choice is my future!"

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-02-03 09:13:15
Students of grades 7-11 of our school took part in the city competition "My choice is my future!" on 28.01.2022. in order to provide career guidance when choosing a profession, an online meeting was held with employees of the M. Gabdullin Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan through ZOOM. During the meeting, they were familia...
Author: School №9

Old wives' tales on the theme "love is the basis of life"

Category: Mini center "Inzhu"
Date: 2022-02-03 08:28:25
Old wives' tales on the theme
The mini-center "Inzhu" within the framework of the decade "self–knowledge - the pedagogy of love and creativity" told schoolchildren old wives' tales on the theme "love is the basis of life".  Through the grandmother's fairy tale, the upbringing of children in friendship, in kindness and love, in love for the world around them, in the ability to...
Author: School №9

Minutes of the meeting of the board of trustees №1

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2022-02-02 10:58:43
Author: School №9

List of the Board of Trustees

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2022-02-02 10:20:39
Author: School №9

On approval of the composition of boards of trustees

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2022-02-01 15:03:41
Author: School №9

Menu of 01.02.2022

Category: School canteen
Date: 2022-02-01 11:27:19
Menu of 01.02.2022
Author: School №9

"Mathematics around us"

Category: Session methodical association
Date: 2022-02-01 09:50:39
General Education School No. 9 Balkhash held a week of mathematical literacy "mathematics around us"from 24 to 29 January. During the week, class hours, various educational games, mathematical tests, and open lessons were held. Teachers and school students took an active part in the events.   #math on our website#   #mathematical literacy#
Author: School №9

Menu or 31.01.2022

Category: School canteen
Date: 2022-02-01 09:32:43
Menu or 31.01.2022
Author: School №9

"Information security"

Category: Session methodical association
Date: 2022-01-31 10:06:15
OSH No. 9 within the framework of the week of information literacy "Digital world" on the topic "Information security" 7 "a" class Taiken A.F., 7 "b" class Dzhakupzhanova G.T., 8 "b" class Elshibekov S.H. held a class hour. Information was provided on information literacy of students, prevention of information security. The students shared the...
Author: School №9

"Mukagali - eternal life" information about the Class hour

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2022-01-31 08:29:36
31.01.21 in grades 9-11, class hours were held on the theme "Mukagali - mangilik gumyr". Schoolchildren were introduced to the life of Mukagali Makatayev, reviewed the poet's works, expressively read poems. There is a strong spiritual and natural connection between Mukagali and the people.The poet's poems should be cherished and read like a precious treasure.He was warned that...
Author: School №9

Menu or 28.01.2022

Category: School canteen
Date: 2022-01-29 09:02:35
Menu or 28.01.2022
Author: School №9

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