Information in secondary school №9 events held in the area of drug prevention

Date: 2016-11-14 08:05:38
Information in secondary school №9 events held in the area of drug prevention
 November 7, 2016 "Keep a healthy body", "smoking is harmful to health", "looking for a way to seek a sore -em painful" issues round table organized by the school nurse. On November 7, senior curator of the 10 th school students took to the streets of the city, "" International Drug Control "campaign". On November 12, social pedagogue &q...
Author: School №9

Information about the local talk show competition council fathers "Bala omіrdegі akenіn rolі"

Date: 2016-11-05 07:38:15
Information about the local talk show competition council fathers
4.11. held city competition fathers advice - talk show. Among urban schools in the competition, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the category "World Without Weapons" he was awarded a diploma student of class 2c Muhametzhanov Raiymbek.
Author: School №9

Information about the educational hour "Historical heritage - the future of the nation."

Date: 2016-11-05 07:28:01
Information about the educational hour
7A kl. Abdіgappar Y. held educational hour "Historical heritage - the future of the nation."
Author: School №9

Information about the competition of expressive reading "Independence -oplot"

Date: 2016-11-05 07:18:56
Information about the competition of expressive reading
1.11. 3-4 classes was a competition of expressive reading "Independence -oplot" dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan
Author: School №9

Information about carrying out school №9 Council Fathers "Ulagat" round table on the topic "The role of the father in the upbringing of a child"

Date: 2016-10-31 10:07:12
Information about carrying out school №9 Council Fathers
"The role of the father in the upbringing of the child" on October 29 at the school, a round table was held on the initiative of the Council Fathers on the subject. From each class took part 10 popes. They performed the task to solve different situations. The head of the work council fathers "Ulagat" Balpyқov Daulethan, noted the great role of the popes in the development and...
Author: School №9

Қалалық математика пәнінен ашық сабақ өткізлгендігі туралы ақпарат

Date: 2016-10-21 10:25:49
Қалалық математика пәнінен ашық сабақ  өткізлгендігі туралы ақпарат
Қазан айының 21 күні ЖББ №9 орта мектебінде  білім бөлімінің әдіскері К.Айнабекова мен  қала мектептерінің математика пән мұғалімдерінің қатысуымен 10 сыныпта Егембердиева Сауле Маликовна қалалық ашық сабақ  өткізді. Сабақ жаңашыл әдіс- тәсілдерге толы, мазмұнды да, мәнді өтті. Сабаққа қатысқан әріптестері сабақтан алған әсерлері мен ізгі тілек, ниеттерін білдірді. Көп жылдық...
Author: School №9

Тәуелсіздіктің 25 жылдығына орай қатысқан «Ел үшін – елеулі жыл» атты қалалық мәнерлеп оқу сайысының ақпарат.

Date: 2016-10-21 08:06:16
Тәуелсіздіктің 25 жылдығына орай қатысқан «Ел үшін – елеулі жыл» атты қалалық мәнерлеп оқу сайысының ақпарат.
Қазан айының 20 жұлдызында қаламызда   Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 25 ыл толу мерейлі мереке аясында «Сырлас»№4 кітапхана – филиалы ұйымдастырылған «Ел үшін – елеулі жыл» атты қалалық мәнерлеп оқу байқауына 5а сыныбының оқушылары қатысып жүлделі алғыс хатпен марапатталды.Ғалымқызы Дилара   ІІІ орынды иеленді
Author: School №9

Information about the open lesson on the theme «Surprise birthday party»

Date: 2016-10-21 05:13:02
 Information about the open lesson on the theme «Surprise birthday party»
On September 21 English teacher Tungushbaeva A.Sa lesson on the theme «Surprise birthday party» 8"A" class.The lesson was interesting, the students were active.
Author: School №9

Аn open class Information on "Food and drink"

Date: 2016-10-21 05:10:22
Аn open class Information on
On September 21English teacher Abeldinova A. B a lesson on the theme «Food and drink» 6"Ә" class.On the  lesson was usedthe interactive whiteboard. The lesson was interesting, the students were active.
Author: School №9

An open class Information on «What should you do to keep fit?»

Date: 2016-10-21 05:06:38
 An open class Information on «What should you do to keep fit?»
On September  21 English teacher  Harshinbay M  held an open lesson on the theme «What should you do to keep fit?»   with  7 "A" class.  On the lesson, the teacher used a variety of strategies. It was also used interactive whiteboard, students took an active part in the lesson, the lesson was very interesting.
Author: School №9

Information of fathers meeting named by “Ulagat” of school №9

Date: 2016-10-11 05:27:32
Information of fathers meeting named by “Ulagat” of school №9
In 24 of September 2016 year at 13.00 p.m. organized fathers meeting. At this meeting participated 28 pupil’s fathers, head of school G.Abi, deputy of education D.Sagimbecova, heads K.Erubai, T.Kanat. The head of father’s consultation “Ulagat” read the report “ Role of father in upbringing of child”. Deputy of education D.Sagimbecovaintroduced with the annual...
Author: School №9

The information about the decade from 02.08.2016 on 18.20.2016

Date: 2016-05-28 07:50:18
The information about the decade from 02.08.2016 on 18.20.2016
On February 8  on 18, at the secondary school № 9 Balkhash held a decade objects Polytechnic cycle. Organized intra Competition, open classes: 10 "A" grade in algebra "Derivatives of trigonometric functions", 9 "Ә" class on physics "photoelectric effect. Einstein's formula ", 6" A "grade in informatics' tables. Editing tables. "...
Author: School №9

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