Сareer guidance

Contacts of higher educational institutions (universities)

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-02-22 08:50:23
Contacts of higher educational institutions (universities) https://egov.kz/cms/ru/articles/2Fvusi_rk
Author: School №9

Meeting on the topic "Be able to choose the right profession"

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-02-21 14:36:22
Meeting on the topic
On February 21, 11th grade students met with a specialist of the faculty of Karaganda State University. The students have received answers to their questions that they want to know.The university specialist provided detailed information about his opportunities for his students and provided guidance.
Author: School №9

Meeting of specialists of the Balkhash multidisciplinary College in the specialty entrant-2022

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-02-11 14:09:17
Meeting of specialists of the Balkhash multidisciplinary College in the specialty entrant-2022
On February 10, a meeting of specialists of the Balkhash multidisciplinary College in the specialty entrant-2022 was held with 9th grade students. The students received answers to their questions.The students were informed in detail about the specialties of the college, the opportunities they provide to their students. The students were given Instructions about the college.
Author: School №9

Meeting on the topic "Be able to choose the right profession"

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-02-11 14:06:47
Meeting on the topic
On February 7, 11th grade students met with a specialist of the faculty of Karaganda State University. The students got answers to their questions that they want to know. The university specialist provided detailed information about his opportunities for his students and provided guidance.
Author: School №9

"My choice is my future!"

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-02-03 09:13:15
Students of grades 7-11 of our school took part in the city competition "My choice is my future!" on 28.01.2022. in order to provide career guidance when choosing a profession, an online meeting was held with employees of the M. Gabdullin Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan through ZOOM. During the meeting, they were familia...
Author: School №9

Vocational education of secondary school No. 9 information about the work done

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-01-13 08:26:59
Vocational education of secondary school No. 9 information about the work done
12.01.2022 9th grade students of our school went to the Polytechnic College of Kazakhmys Corporation to receive professional education. The specialists of the Polytechnic College introduced them to the life of the college and warmly thanked the students. The college students provided the students with detailed information about the specialties and opportunities they had created for them. In addi...
Author: School №9


Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-12-28 09:09:02
An intellectual game was held at the school among students of grades 5 A,b on the topic "My future profession about my future profession". At this event, students were able to better express their thoughts, discussed various professions. The students were interested and they got different meanings. Actively answered questions. The guys openly expressed their thoughts, exchanged opinion...
Author: School №9

Plan of career guidance activities for the 2021-2022 academic year

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-11-13 08:40:11
Author: School №9

Information about attending college in order to conduct career guidance work at school

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-11-05 09:25:07
Information about attending college in order to conduct career guidance work at school
On 4.11.2021, 9th grade students from the senior school counselor visited Balkhash Medical College.
Author: School №9

«Мамандықты дұрыс таңдай біл» тақырыбында мамандыққа бағыттау мақсатында ашық есік күні

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-11-03 15:04:12
«Мамандықты дұрыс таңдай біл» тақырыбында мамандыққа бағыттау   мақсатында ашық есік күні
3.11.21 күні оқушылардың мамандық таңдау үдерісінде тұлғаның қызығушылығы мен қабілетін еңбек нарығындағы қажеттіліктерін ескере отырып оңтайландыру мақсатында «ҚР Халық Қаһарманы» Р. Қошқарбаев атындағы БТК колледжінде ашық есік күні өткізілді. 9 сынып оқушылары сынып жетекшілерімен бірге барып, әр түрлі мандықтар жайында біліп, қайтты.
Author: School №9

The purpose of the training: to determine from the drawing who the students will be in the future.

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-10-14 14:41:49
The purpose of the training: to determine from the drawing who the students will be in the future.
The purpose of the training:to determine who students will be in the future by drawing. In October, in order to psychologically guide the choice of profession in our school, work was carried out to determine who will be in the future using the method "determining the characteristics of students 'abilities" from students of grades 4 A, B, and B. Most of them chose professions suc...
Author: School №9

"Professional interest"

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-09-21 17:39:41
In September, for the purpose of psychological orientation on the choice of a profession for students of grades 8-9, a test was received by the psychologist of school No. 9 Saduakasova F. Zh. using the "professional interest" method, in order to determine the profession of children, a test was received by D. Dutch, which determined which profession children are closer to. Students were asked to fa...
Author: School №9

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