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Information on the line, dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence

Date: 2016-11-28 08:24:38
Information on the line, dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence
  November 21, 2016 in the secondary school №8 solemn line, devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, the opening of 25 star days. Acting headmaster TB Alcaeus congratulated students on the occasion, the opening of the first star of the day, dedicated to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.    This is a celebration for our country and the peop...
Author: School №8

"Formation of legal culture"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2016-11-18 09:59:14
   01.11. 2016 at 10.30 school psychologist ZN Abdaulieva and social educator V.S.Zhamkeeva conducted training and discussion on the topic "Formation of legal culture" among students who are on the intra-registered. Purpose: formation of legal culture of students, prevention of crime, to familiarize with the conditions Konvetsii. Social trainer held explanatory conversation t...
Author: School №8

Information on the decade of "Road Safety" in secondary school №8

Category: "City Child Friendly"
Date: 2016-11-18 09:14:32
Information on the decade of
   In secondary school №8 from 14 to 18 November was held a decade "Safety drorozhnogo movement." The purpose of the event: to familiarize students with the rules of the road, check with pedestrian traffic rules, learn to recognize the signs. November 14 in the school conducted propaganda campaign "Ayқyn bol". In this event was attended by 25 students. Propaganda ca...
Author: School №8

Senior leader and organization of self-management in school

Category: leader
Date: 2016-11-18 08:44:14
 Senior leader and organization of self-management in school
   17/11/2016, the school held a meeting of members of government and senior school counselor. They discussed the organization plan. Senior counselor offered the best solutions to some of the issues and areas of work, the students took part together in conversation, expressing their views.
Author: School №8

Information on the mug "togyzkumalak" during the autumn holidays

Category: Working circles
Date: 2016-11-03 04:04:21
Information on the mug
   November 1 this year in a secondary school №8 held preparatory classes among 4-5 classes in the national cup games "togyzkumalak". Goal: -promotion of healthy lifestyles ; -vospityvat friendly attitude, the culture of dialogue; -razvivatsportivnye students skills.   The work was conducted in an organized circle. Good skills in the game showed the students: Nurl...
Author: School №8

Information about the work of the circle "Sahna syry"

Category: Working circles
Date: 2016-11-03 03:20:46
Information about the work of the circle
  On an autumn vacation continued its work circle "Sahna cheese." November 2 at the school as guests were invited pupils of the kindergarten "Aigolek" with their head Aizhan Zhakenovnoy.   Objective: To teach students to freely express their thoughts as a journalist. Develop a culture of speech, to teach students to stage the culture of communication, and the...
Author: School №8

The competition of readers "Egemendіk -eldіgіm"

Date: 2016-11-03 03:05:32
The competition of readers
Information about the competition of readers "Egemendіk -eldіgіm"    November 2 of this year in a secondary school №8 competition of readers "Egemendіk -eldіgіm" held among pupils 2 classes. Objective: To expand the horizons of pupils of Independence, cultivate a love for the motherland, to develop the skills of expressive reading. Total participated - 8 s...
Author: School №8

Показан перевод для запроса Информация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Искать вместо этого перевод для Ирформация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Information on the workshop in urban seconda

Date: 2016-11-02 10:13:47
 Показан перевод для запроса Информация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Искать вместо этого перевод для Ирформация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Information on the workshop in urban seconda
Сity ​​seminar was held October 25, 2016 on the theme "Patriotic vospitanie- guarantor of the future."     The seminar began with a presentation by the Headmaster A.T.Tokeybekovoy. At the seminar came the teacher initial-military training, deputy director for education of the city schools and methodologist of the regional training center S.S.Kontaev.   D...
Author: School №8

Information on the "City Day" in secondary school №8

Category: 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash
Date: 2016-11-02 10:03:20
Information on the
  From 13 to 16 September 2016 the school with high school students as part of the celebration of the city, "You, Victory, dedicated to" held sporting events. These events were held under the supervision of physical education teachers. According to the plan, 13 September among students in grades 8-9 have been in football competitions under the guidance A.Otarbaeva. After a good fi...
Author: School №8

Thank You letter

Date: 2016-10-24 03:34:16
Thank You letter
   We heartily express words of gratitude to the winner of the regional, national and international boxing competitions Zharbolovoy Zhanerke proposer zanchitelno contribution to the development and promotion of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.
Author: School №8


Date: 2016-10-24 02:45:51
   Awarded to a student secondary school №8 Balaganov rope, won first place in the championship in kickboxing in the weight category 54 kg., which was held in October 20-22 Karagangde.
Author: School №8

Coaching on "How to ask tough questions?"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2016-10-20 11:33:55
 Coaching on
   20/10/2016, the coaching was conducted in a comprehensive school №8 on "How to ask difficult questions?". Coaching by a certified teacher of the first level of the highest category Kanat DK On the coaching methodology discussed in the classroom asking "hard questions" and the ways of their solving by students through Bloom's taxonomy.
Author: School №8

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