Information on the line, dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence

Date: 2016-11-28 08:24:38
Information on the line, dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence

  November 21, 2016 in the secondary school №8 solemn line, devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, the opening of 25 star days. Acting headmaster TB Alcaeus congratulated students on the occasion, the opening of the first star of the day, dedicated to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This is a celebration for our country and the people will be the most important and valuable. The team 9B class lineup acquainted with all the chores done during the 25 years, noted the achievements, successes of the people, a warm affection and the future of our state, "El Mangilik". At the end, read their poems, dedications, unanimously congratulated the students on this auspicious occasion.
For the Independence of our country, our President implements the program "Mangilik El", the State is booming. 1 December - Day of the First President of Kazakhstan.
11 A grade students had a line called "The President and my country." First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is the founder of a new independent state, to ensure its unity and defense of the Constitution, rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Achievements of the first President of a great cause, genuine respect and trust of the people. With great pride, I told the students that President Nazarbayev - the guarantor of stability, harmony and strengthening inter-ethnic unity, which has a positive effect on the dynamic development of Kazakhstan, its place among the advanced countries in the world.

Author: School №8