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September 1, the Day of Knowledge.

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-10-15 10:11:55
September 1, the Day of Knowledge.
Dear teachers, pupils, parents dear guests! September 1st is celebrated pupils and students, this day they begin a new school year. Traditionally on this day at school the solemn line, mark the beginning of the school year. This is a celebration of the first call. This is the most awaited day for those who first crossed the threshold of the school. On this day, all roads lead to the school. Eleg...
Author: School №8

Solemn congratulation!

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-10-15 10:07:40
Solemn congratulation!
                         Dear teachers, veterans of pedagogical work colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the teacher! It is you, dear teachers, reveals inherent in children talents and inclinations, helping them find their way in life, successfully intro...
Author: School №8

Білімдегі жетістік – инновациялық дамудың қайнар көзі

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-10-15 10:02:19
Дәстүрлі тамыз педагогикалық кеңесі - өткен оқу жылына есеп беріп, жаңа оқу жылындағы міндеттерді айқындайтын маңызды зияткерлік бас қосу. Биылғы жылғы облыс, қала педагогтарының тамыз кеңесі «Білім берудің инновациялық стратегиясы – мемлекеттің, қоғамның және жеке тұлғаның тұрақты даму факторы» тақырыбымен өтті. Бұл – шын мәнінде аса өзекті,  болашақ үшін аса м...
Author: School №8

"My baby, my happiness!"

Date: 2014-09-13 09:56:11
12/09/2014 School of psiholgi Abdualieva Z. and M. Tazhikeeva held a round table on the topic "My child is my happiness!". The event was attended by parents of elementary grades. Psychologists have conducted various trainings, conducted interviews, distributed recommendation advice about parenting.
Author: School №8

Psychologist's advice at the beginning of the new academic year 2014-2015

Date: 2014-09-13 09:49:36
Psychologist's advice at the beginning of the new academic year 2014-2015 Raising school age children can be awesome.  Watching them try new activities, cheering them on at athletic events and applauding their accomplishments at recitals are usually some of the high points for most parents.  However, achieving success is often preceded with frustration and sometimes learning to a...
Author: School №8

Information on cadet classes

Date: 2014-08-21 06:24:49
Information on cadet classes          In a cadet class boys of years of ten, physically healthy, moral and steady are accepted. They have a special form of a military sample. During competition specially organized commission accepts examinations, and in the commission decision pupils are enlisted in a cadet class.        Pupils of cadet c...
Author: School №8

Action "Road to school"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2014-08-21 05:56:42
In urban education received 15 applications from parents SSH№ 8 who need help.  The student class 2b Kaғazbay Miras were assisted by sponsora.Inkarbek Nariman, a student of class 6A received 5000 n. School teachers to provide the necessary school supplies students Sultanbekova Aygerіm and Sultanbekova Aydanu.Do of 05/09/2014 will cover 5 more children. The school administration continues...
Author: School №8

Admission to the cadet classes

Date: 2014-08-18 10:34:52
"Secondary school №8 Balkhash" oyavlyaet on the recruitment of students for the 2014-2015 uch. year cadet classes. Applications will be accepted from 15 to 21 August 2014 22.08.2014 at 10.00 to test students.
Author: School №8

REMINDER on the procedure for submission and consideration of the application to appeal the results of a single national test

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2014-06-02 10:37:23
REMINDER  on the procedure for submission and consideration of the application to appeal the results of a single national test
Memo graduate of appeal       Podachazayavleniya appeal An appeal against the results of testing podaetsyalichno vypusknikomdo 14 hours of the day following the day of announcement of the results of testing, and considered the appeal committee within one day.   The application is submitted in paragraph of the unified national testing ( PPENT ) at the date of tes...


Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2014-06-02 10:18:34
1. Общая информация об экзаменационных материалах единого национального тестирования

Competition "Live painting"

Date: 2014-05-22 03:20:48
05/19/2014, in the city museum held a competition "Live painting", devoted to the Day of the International Museum. The competition was attended by students of city schools. Students SNR number 8 took the second place prize. Congratulations!
Author: School №8

Memo to parents of graduates participating in the UNT

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2014-05-12 10:27:11
АТА-АНАЛАРҒА КЕҢЕС Құрметті ата-аналар! Психологиялық қолдау– балаңыздың ҰБТ-ны сәтті тапсыруының бірден-бір маңызды факторы. Баланы қалай қолдау керек? -  Оның күшті жақтарына сүйеніңіз. -  Балаңыздың нашар жақтарын бетіне басудан аулақ болыңыз.  -  Үйде достық жағдай қалыптастырыңыз. -  Үйде сабақ қарауға ыңғайлы орын дайындаңыз. -  Пән бо...

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