City competition "Together with the President"

Date: 2014-11-10 10:54:12
City competition
10/11/2014 у. in the city competition collages "Together with the President!" in the category "Beautiful song" awarded pupil 7B class Shopbay Aizhan. Congratulations!
Author: School №8

Members of the Council Fathers' "Bәyterek "

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2014-11-07 11:20:34
№ Full Name       Office   Date of birth. Education Job Contacts phones  ...
Author: School №8

"The main problem - prevention of crime"

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2014-11-07 10:55:02
01.11.2014 year in SNR №8 5-11klassov among students were interviewed on "The primary goal - prevention of crime." At a meeting attended by the chairman of the Council fathers Tөleubekov AG, a member of the Council fathers Razahov D., juvenile inspector Abeuov AM, headmaster A.T.Tokeybekova and class teachers. Sotspedagog Nurmahanova D. read information about offenses in schools. Inspe...
Author: School №8

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Council Fathers "Baiterek".

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2014-11-07 10:29:15
In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Council Fathers
In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Council Fathers "Baiterek". At the school-wide parent meeting among the fathers of students were chosen members of the Council Fathers. Chairman of the Council Fathers was selected Toleubekov Abilkasym Onaluly. At the meeting, developed a plan for this school year.          I. General provisi...
Author: School №8

Seminar on "Portfolio student and teacher"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2014-10-30 08:13:57
Seminar on
10.28.2014, the creative team of the school held a seminar on "Portfolio teacher and student." The seminar shows how to compile a portfolio student and teacher. The best portfolio were directed to participate in the regional kokurse portfolio.

Training "Well done!"

Date: 2014-10-30 07:18:30
Training "Well done!" Purpose: To bring confidence during stress. Time: 10 minutes Date: 10/16/2014, the Class: 11Ә Psychologist: Abdualieva ZN

"Day of the trustee"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2014-10-30 06:32:02
29.10.2014g. the evening on the subject "Kind Heart" devoted to Day of trustees was spent. In school trustees of pupils, without parental support were invited. Psychologists of school Tazhikeeva M. and Abdualiyeva Z. provided training on a subject "How to build the warm house?". At evening there were members of council of fathers. At the end of the evening there was an intere...
Author: School №8

The work plan of the parent committee at the 2014-2015 academic year

Category: Work with parents
Date: 2014-10-30 06:25:25
The work plan of the parent committee at the 2014-2015 academic year
The work plan of the parent committee at the 2014-2015 academic year № Content of work date 1 Election of the chairman of the parent committee   September 2 Adoption of the work plan of the parent committee for the...
Author: School №8

City Olympic Games

Category: Olympic Games, intellectual games, competitions
Date: 2014-10-29 09:21:40
Result the city subject Olympic Games 2013-2014 of academic years of № SNM Subject  Class  Place  Teacher 1 Серік Арайлым Kazakh language 9...
Author: School №8

Intra school Olympic Games

Category: Olympic Games, intellectual games, competitions
Date: 2014-10-29 09:19:13
5-6.11.13 was passed intra Olympiad The aim of the school subject Olympiad: Stimulate student interest in subjects; Identify students who are interested in this or that subject; Assessment of knowledge and skills acquired by students in the school course; Revitalization of the creative abilities of students; Identify students who may represent their school at the subsequent stages...
Author: School №8

General rules

Date: 2014-10-29 03:23:47
1. General rules 1.1. This provision is designed in accordance with the Law "On education", the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law "On education", the concept of development, the Message of the President of Kazakhstan, development strategy "Kazakhstan-2030". 1.2.Uporyadochivaet activities cadet classes in school. 1.3. The main objectives of the cade...
Author: School №8

"The Most marksman"

Date: 2014-10-28 11:16:06
10/25/2014 In №4 SNR at the site of Tyre to the 15th anniversary party Nur Otan conducted shooting competition among schoolchildren of the city. On the competition involved students and our school. According to the results of the competition grade 11 pupil Soviets Eldos, gaining 44 points, received the title of "The Most marksman" uch.10 class Beketov Zhumabek- scored 41 points. Accord...
Author: School №8

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