Information on the SNR №8 patriotic action involving cadet classes "We are descendants of the famous heroes of the Fatherland"

Date: 2015-03-13 08:02:12
Information on the SNR №8 patriotic action involving cadet classes
On 13th of  March 2015,  was held patriotic action involving cadet classes"We aredescendants of the famous heroes of the Fatherland". The purpose of the action: education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, improving sports skills, promoting a healthy lifestyle, to preserve the memory of the soldiers whodied defending the Fatherland, respect for the country...
Author: School №8

Information for the reading of the line on the school 10.03.2015g.

Category: For you parents!
Date: 2015-03-10 11:47:17
Information to read out on the school line 10.03.2015g. March 6, 2015 students SNR №4 in the classroom, using a cell phone, dial 101 emergency management of finding a bomb in the school. All power structures of the city - Department of the Interior, National Security Committee, disaster, fire department, an engineering group, as well as emergency measures were taken to identify the device....
Author: School №8

Pilot testing

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2015-03-10 11:23:15
Statement from the pilot testing of 03.02.2015  
Author: School №8

City competition "Soғys sarbazdary"

Date: 2015-03-05 06:16:13
City competition
March 3, 2015 held city competition of presentations on the theme "Soғys sarbazdary" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Schoolgirl SNR №8 Ahanova Madina took part and won the second place prize. Congratulations!
Author: School №8

Diploma of the second degree in the city drawing competition "Atameken"

Date: 2015-03-03 05:12:03
Diploma of the second degree in the city drawing competition
Diploma of the second degree in the city drawing competition "Atameken", dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate was awarded student of the SNR №8 Satypaldy Ardak.
Author: School №8

Thank you letter to the city drawing competition "Atameken"

Date: 2015-03-03 05:08:52
Thank you letter to the city drawing competition
Letter of thanks to the city drawing competition "Atameken", dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate was awarded student of the SNR №8 Karimovа Mereke.
Author: School №8

Olympiad in the Russian language "Consciousness"

Category: Olympic Games, intellectual games, competitions
Date: 2015-02-28 06:06:07
Olympiad in the Russian language
February 27, 2015 on the basis of secondary school №10 held city competition among the Kazakh youth, devoted to the 20th anniversary of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan, organized by the Centre for development of languages of Balkhash. A total of 7 people participated in the Olympics with schools and colleges of the city. According to the results of all five rounds of the Olympiad first d...
Author: School №8

City competition "Consciousness"

Date: 2015-02-28 05:52:34
City competition
02.27.2015, in the city competition on Russian language among the Kazakh youth "Consciousness", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan was awarded the diploma of the first degree student of 11 class SNR №8 Dulatova Nazgul.
Author: School №8

In the city competition KVN "Zhaydarman" team "Naғyz zhіgіtter" won third place

Date: 2015-02-27 04:36:31
In the city competition KVN
In the city competition KVN "Zhaydarman" team "Naғyz zhіgіtter" won third place
Author: School №8

Мақтау қағазы

Date: 2015-02-14 08:17:54
Мақтау қағазы
In the city the "Law and Order" is awarded the team SNR №8 "Golden generation". Congratulations!
Author: School №8


Date: 2015-02-14 08:15:43
Karaganda and Kickboxing Federation of Thai boxing awards for Nazikenova Aslan occupied second place in the weight category of 51 kg in the Open Championship Kickboxing Federation junior 1997-1998g.r. istarshih boys 1999-2000g.r.
Author: School №8

Кадеттердің Қарағанды қаласына сапары

Date: 2015-02-14 05:59:34
Кадеттердің Қарағанды қаласына сапары
13.02.2015 жылы 6-8 кадет сыныптарынан 10 оқушы шақырту бойынша өзара тәжірибе алмасу мақсатында Қарағанды қаласының ЖББ №58 орта мектебіне барды. ЖББ №58 орта мектебінде салтанатты жиында кадет туын тапсыру рәсімі өтті. Іс-шарадан кейін екі мектептің кадет сыныптарымен әскери-спорттық ойындар бойынша жолдастық кездесу өтті. Содан кейін оқушылар әскери бөлімге, Теміртау қаласындағы "Тұңғыш...
Author: School №8

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