Размер шрифта:

Еssay Competition

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-06 09:21:16
Еssay Competition
From 1 to 5 April held essay contest on the theme "Safer Internet". Attended all students from 8 to 11 class. The winners were awarded with diplomas.  

Рoster contest

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-06 09:13:49
Рoster contest
April 5 took place poster contest on the theme "Safer Internet". Where was attended by school students 9 "a" and 9 "in the" classes. At the end of 1 - place - Eleusizbeva H.; 2nd place - Mustafina AD and 3rd place - Nurbek E.  

Internet: for and against

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-06 09:02:38
 Internet: for and against
  April 6 in the walls of the school held a debate on the subject: "Internet: the pros and cons". 4 teams took part: "Ata -meken", "Rukhaniyat" , "Baiterek", "Zhas Talap". And in the contest won by the team "Baiterek".  

Regional scientific-practical conference

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2016-04-04 09:13:14
 Regional scientific-practical conference
On March 30, the city of Karaganda was held XXI regional scientific - practical conference "Ecology and children". 3 place was taken by the students of our school Nurzhankyzy Torgyn and Syzdyk Aniyash.   Also it was awarded Zhaksibaeva Aisulu diploma for active participation.  

City competition " Little Princess - 2016 "

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2016-04-04 05:42:18
 City competition
  Held city competition " Little Princess - 2016 " , where our student Sayatkyzy Akerke won 3rd place of honor .  

Parent meeting

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-04 05:15:32
 Parent meeting
26/09/2015, the school held a parent meeting. At the meeting by the Deputy Director of IT on "Installing applications Parental Control for child safety on the Internet".  

Ruler on "Safer Internet"

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-04 05:06:21
 Ruler on
  04.04.2016 was passed the line on "Safer Internet" . On this line of propaganda team attended school.  

Main features Mobile Fence

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-02 07:03:05
 Main features Mobile Fence

Parental control

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-02 07:01:17
Parental control
  The service is "Parental Control" is designed for filtering unwanted content and provide secure access to the Internet from any device in the subscriber's home, such as personal computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones, regardless of operating system. New service «Megaline» and «IDNet" services http://www.cabinet.idport.kz account all s...

What dangers to children are concealed on the Internet

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-02 06:59:22
What dangers to children are concealed on the Internet
Pornography, promotion of violence, extremism, aggression, kiberbulling, kidnapping. Unfortunately, on the Internet of it there is a lot of. Social networks, forums, chats – all this allows to pour freely in children's minds in similar information, causing irreparable injury to mentality.    Be aware to whom your child contacts on the Internet, try to check regularly the li...

Public lesson

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2016-04-02 06:44:45
 Public lesson
Subject: Substance identification digit number. Math Puzzles. Near and far. The development of the child's attention. Goal: Knowledge of: the number of training identify the product discharge, learn how to solve mathematical puzzles. Developmental: the development of the child's attention. Bringing up: to educate children to order.   

Welcome Nauryz!

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2016-03-26 05:01:11
Welcome Nauryz!
Purpose: - the Kazakh new year, Nauryz, to explain, to tell you about; - children to the traditions of our people, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, to continue, good and full of words depending on the AO niece the ancestors; - children, their country, love their Motherland, to defend the place, in respect of national cuisine.

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