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School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovna i conducted with first-graders and teachers playing exercises

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2017-02-04 10:24:37
School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovna i conducted with first-graders and teachers playing exercises
School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovnai conducted with first-graders and teachers playing exercises 

Балқаш қаласының 80жылдығына орай ұйымастырылған іс –шаралар жоспары

Category: Гүлденген Балқашқа 80жыл
Date: 2017-02-04 10:04:54
№   Өткізілетін іс –шаралар   Мерзімі   Өтілу формасы   1.   Менің елім- нұр сәулетті, Балқашым   10.01.17   Салтанатты жи...

The city forum "Altyn bala" Grade 10 students Eleusіzbaeva Nazerke, Myrzagaly Gүlnaz, Erbolat Nazim steel oladatelyami nomination "Young Leader".

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2017-02-03 09:29:49
The city forum
The city forum "Altyn bala" Grade 10 students Eleusіzbaeva Nazerke, Myrzagaly Gүlnaz, Erbolat Nazim steel oladatelyami nomination "Young Leader".

"mini-center" Balbobek " "Home animals".

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2017-02-03 09:13:27
Forming of ideas about home animals and about their benefit of poultries and man.speeches of children, imagination and fantasy, sharpening, forming of world view, birds, animals, increase ofto the personal interest in the world. By the methods of  New Technologyes, perfection of knowledge and able to work.

"mini-center" Balbobek " "Home animals".

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2017-02-03 09:05:12
The purpose :, children, nurturing the birds in nature, taught how to wait baptap-. What it wintered, to give information about the life of birds, developing, the ability of the mind to be carefully birds educates . Introduces winter features of nature, morality and to protect nature nurture. 

Н.Назарбаевтың Қазақстан халқына жолдауы. 2017 жылғы 31 қаңтар

Category: President's Message to the people
Date: 2017-01-31 09:01:18
«Қазақстанның үшінші жаңғыруы: жаһандық бәсекеге қабілеттілік»   Құрметті қазақстандықтар! Мен Қазақстан халқына жаңа дәуір қарсаңында сөз арнап отырмын. Еліміз өзінің 25 жылдық даму кезеңінен абыроймен өтті. Біз елімізді мақтан тұтамыз. Табыстарымыз бен жетістіктеріміз туралы Тәуелсіздігіміздің 25 жылдық мерейтойында атап өттік. Оларды бүкіл әлем біледі және жоғары баға...

"Тәуелсіздіктің таңын жырлаймын"

Category: Кітапхана-ғажайып әлем
Date: 2017-01-11 08:12:18
Тәуелсіздік, ең алдымен , қазақ халқының бостандыққа ұмтылған асқақ армандары мен қайсар рухының жемісі.Сондықтан да біз үшін Тәуелсіздік күні ең қастерлі күн. Біздің алға қойған мақсатымыз-өткенімізді білетін, бүгінді түсінетін,ертеңімізге сеніммен қарайтын азамат болу.Осы орайда, мектебімізде  дарынды да талантты оқушылар  Қазақстан  Республикасының   Тәуелсіздігінің&n...

On June 2, a mini - center " Balbobek " was a matinee in honor of the Day of the Marks

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2016-06-03 06:07:09
On June 2, a mini - center
In " Balbobek " in honor of the symbols was a matinee titled "Ramizderim - maktanyshym " mini - center . The purpose of the event: extensive concept of the motherland, Kaazhstane , his native land. Also give the idea of ​​the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Holiday lineup to celebrate the Children's Day and the opening of the camp , " Alau " .

Category: Summer
Date: 2016-06-03 05:46:28
Holiday lineup to celebrate the Children's Day and the opening of the camp ,
Holiday lineup to celebrate the Children's Day and the opening of the camp, "Alau". Festive line was opened a dance performed by children " Balbobek " mini -center. Under the songs that played Ali danced all. Also, the game was held with the children, "Who faster?".

Holiday lineup to celebrate the Children's Day and the opening of the camp , " Alau " .

Category: Social teacher
Date: 2016-06-03 05:34:29
Holiday lineup to celebrate the Children's Day and the opening of the camp ,
Holiday lineup to celebrate the Children's Day and the opening of the camp, "Alau". Festive line was opened a dance performed by children " Balbobek " mini -center. Under the songs that played Ali danced all. Also, the game was held with the children, "Who faster?".

On completion of the 2015 - 2016 academic year and conduct a final evaluation of students of secondary schools

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-06-02 06:07:40
On completion of the 2015 - 2016 academic year and conduct a final evaluation of students of secondary schools
On completion of the 2015 - 2016 academic year and conduct a final evaluation of students of secondary schools In accordance with subparagraph 14 ) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic  of Kazakhstan dated 27 July 2007 "On education" and organized in order to complete the 2015 - 2016 school year and of intermediate and final certification of secondary school students , rega...

June 1st in honor of Children's Day held a festive game "All children get here "

Category: Summer
Date: 2016-06-02 05:18:46
June 1st in honor of Children's Day held a festive game
On June 1 in honor of the holiday mini child protection center "Balbobek" Day organized a festive game "All children get here" The event was opened with the young sailors dance. Among the guests were the game Panda and Fox, who gave a good mood for children. Children younger group caught fish. Central group rode bicycles. The event ended with the song "Let There Al...

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