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Оrder to familiarize

Category: Кәсіптік бағыт-бағдар берудегі жоғары және орта оқу орындарымен байланыс
Date: 2020-12-21 10:28:51
On 18.11.2020, in order to familiarize students of grades 9-11 of our school with the requirements and rules of admission to the University, a career guidance hour was organized on the ZOOM platform. General presentation videos and presentations of the Kokshetau Technical Institute of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan were shown, where students were asked to choo...

Congratulations on Independence Day!

Category: Директордың сөзі
Date: 2020-12-15 15:46:06
Congratulations on Independence Day!
Поздравление с Днем независимости!

Congratulations on the Independence Day, which glorified our national qualities and national values, aroused our national pride, proclaimed the Kazakh people to the world as a nation of freedom-loving, high-spirited, strong-willed people!

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2020-12-15 11:57:44
Congratulations on the Independence Day, which glorified our national qualities and national values, aroused our national pride, proclaimed the Kazakh people to the world as a nation of freedom-loving, high-spirited, strong-willed people!
Congratulations on the Independence Day, which glorified our national qualities and national values, aroused our national pride, proclaimed the Kazakh people to the world as a nation of freedom-loving, high-spirited, strong-willed people!

On 11.12.2020, according to the plan, a raid was organized for minors "children in the Night City". The raid was attended by social teachers Kanat G. D., Tataeva N. R., school inspector Tugaybekova S. M., DTII Erubaeva R. B, Rakhimbekov Sh.R. The main pur

Category: Әлеуметтік педагог
Date: 2020-12-15 11:43:28
On 11.12.2020, according to the plan, a raid was organized for minors
On 11.12.2020, according to the plan, a raid was organized for minors "children in the Night City". The raid was attended by social teachers Kanat G. D., Tataeva N. R., school inspector Tugaybekova S. M., DTII Erubaeva R. B, Rakhimbekov Sh.R. The main purpose of the special event is to prevent crimes and offenses committed and suffered by minors.

On December 12, within the framework of the project" a school that wants to learn – a nation that wants to learn", a massive book reading hour was held through the ZOOM platform on the topic" my favorite fairy tales and fairy-tale characters". The goal: t

Category: Кітапхана
Date: 2020-12-15 11:39:22
On December 12, within the framework of the project
On December 12, within the framework of the project" a school that wants to learn – a nation that wants to learn", a massive book reading hour was held through the ZOOM platform on the topic" my favorite fairy tales and fairy-tale characters". The goal: to attract students to read books, engage them in imagination, eloquence, and free expression of their thoughts. Aro...

In order to demonstrate the feat of our ancestors on the way to independence of the country, to instill in students love and feelings for the Native Land, love for their country, land, respect for the motherland, honesty, by showing students the example o

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-12-15 11:29:01
In order to demonstrate the feat of our ancestors on the way to independence of the country, to instill in students love and feelings for the Native Land, love for their country, land, respect for the motherland, honesty, by showing students the example o
In order to demonstrate the feat of our ancestors on the way to independence of the country, to instill in students love and feelings for the Native Land, love for their country, land, respect for the motherland, honesty, by showing students the example of the feat of brothers and sisters who took part in the December events, educational hours on the ZOOM platform were held in grades 1-11 on the...

How to prepare a child for online learning – psychologists advise

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2020-12-11 08:20:46
How to prepare a child for online learning – psychologists advise
How to prepare a child for online learning – psychologists advise   Currently, one of the most promising ways to get an education is distance learning using modern telecommunications technologies, in particular the opportunities provided by the internet.   Distance learning technology is undoubtedly the most effective and effective system of modern training and further ad...

In the V Republican children's art competition" Zharkyn zhuldyz", organized by the Republican Art Center" Zharkyn Bolashak", Amir Yernatuly will be awarded the first place for his performance in the genre of" Pop Vocals". Congratulations!!!

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2020-12-09 09:19:58
In the V Republican children's art competition
In the V Republican children's art competition" Zharkyn zhuldyz", organized by the Republican Art Center" Zharkyn Bolashak", Amir Yernatuly will be awarded the first place for his performance in the genre of" Pop Vocals". Congratulations!!!

On 26.11.2020, an online meeting was held with parents and students via the ZOOM network on the topic" prevention of dangerous games on the internet

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2020-12-09 09:19:25
On 26.11.2020, an online meeting was held with parents and students via the ZOOM network on the topic
On 26.11.2020, an online meeting was held with parents and students via the ZOOM network on the topic" prevention of dangerous games on the internet

In honor of the day of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to train students of clubs and classes "Zhas Sarbaz" to serve in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, educate them to their duty to the motherland and instill a

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2020-12-09 09:15:31
In honor of the day of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to train students of clubs and classes
In honor of the day of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to train students of clubs and classes "Zhas Sarbaz" to serve in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, educate them to their duty to the motherland and instill a sense of patriotism, on November 30, 2020, the Palace of schoolchildren hosted the city Video Contest "Zhas Sarbaz – the m...

On December 8, in grades 9-11, on the ZOOM platform "the place of Man in the eco system", in order to teach the basics of Environmental Protection, formation of the basics of environmental education and knowledge about the quality and pollution of the env

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-12-09 09:10:30
On December 8, in grades 9-11, on the ZOOM platform
On December 8, in grades 9-11, on the ZOOM platform "the place of Man in the eco system", in order to teach the basics of Environmental Protection, formation of the basics of environmental education and knowledge about the quality and pollution of the environment, the relationship of all factors of the external environment to each other, including nature and nature. "Food additive...

On December 8, in order to learn about nature protection, the formation of the basics of environmental education, the quality and pollution of the environment, the relationship of all factors of the external environment, including nature, on the ZOOM plat

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-12-09 09:09:30
On December 8, in order to learn about nature protection, the formation of the basics of environmental education, the quality and pollution of the environment, the relationship of all factors of the external environment, including nature, on the ZOOM plat
On December 8, in order to learn about nature protection, the formation of the basics of environmental education, the quality and pollution of the environment, the relationship of all factors of the external environment, including nature, on the ZOOM platform "Earth is our common home"on the 5th-8th grades. An educational hour" power in nature " was held.

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