02.04.2021 Marathon of good Deeds day of special care for homeless animals in the framework of a nationwide project.In this regard, the organization of self-government of our school organized various types of food aid for animals.

Category: 30 good deeds in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2021-04-05 09:40:37
02.04.2021 Marathon of good Deeds day of special care for homeless animals in the framework of a nationwide project.In this regard, the organization of self-government of our school organized various types of food aid for animals.

On March 28, in support of the national project "Marathon of Good Deeds", the action " let's take care of the birds! at the event " contribution. Birds are beautiful creatures of nature. The bird is our friend.

Category: 30 good deeds in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2021-04-05 09:33:15
On March 28, in support of the national project "Marathon of Good Deeds", the action " let's take care of the birds! at the event " contribution. Birds are beautiful creatures of nature. The bird is our friend.

On March 18, on the Day of Good Deeds, the action "Good deeds – the duty of every soul" is held in our school, organized by the volunteer group "Meyirimdi Zhurek". It is not for nothing that our wise people said: "The man who makes a man a man is mercy an

Category: 30 good deeds in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2021-04-05 09:21:43
  On March 18, on the Day of Good Deeds, the action "Good deeds – the duty of every soul" is held in our school, organized by the volunteer group "Meyirimdi Zhurek". It is not for nothing that our wise people said: "The man who makes a man a man is mercy and mercy." Charity is a special feature of humanity. To do good is a vivid manifestation of mo...

30 good deeds for 30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan“7 gymnasium schools named after S. Seifullin "March 28 in support of the national project" Marathon of Good Deeds "" Take care of the birds! " contributed to the event. Birds are bea

Category: 30 good deeds in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2021-04-05 09:17:40
30 good deeds for 30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: 30 good deeds in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2021-04-05 09:01:43
30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Menu and photos on 01.04.2021

Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру
Date: 2021-04-02 15:05:39
Menu and photos on 01.04.2021

3 сыныптар арасында «Үй-Ағаш-Адам» тесті жүргізілді Мақсаты: тұлғаның эмоциялары мотивациялық сипаттары, кейбір аспектілері, жасырынып жатқан дүниесін ашуға мүмкіндік береді. Психологтардың айтуынша, сіз салған суретте өзіңіз бейнеленгенсіз. Яғни сіз

Category: My inner world (advices of psychologist)
Date: 2021-03-29 09:13:27
3 сыныптар арасында«Үй-Ағаш-Адам»  тесті жүргізілді Мақсаты: тұлғаның эмоциялары мотивациялық сипаттары, кейбір аспектілері, жасырынып жатқан дүниесін ашуға мүмкіндік береді. Психологтардың айтуынша, сіз салған суретте өзіңіз бейнеленгенсіз. Яғни сіз өз-өзіңізді салғансыз. Егер адамның жынысымен суретте салынған бейненің жынысы сəйкес келмесе, ол адамның ортадағы...

The future! Specialties! Dreams! What lies ahead? How will our future be? What are we going to become experts in? Such questions are in the minds of graduating students. On this topic, students of the 9th grade were consulted on the topic "the future is

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2021-03-26 08:08:21
The future! Specialties! Dreams!   What lies ahead? How will our future be? What are we going to become experts in? Such questions are in the minds of graduating students.   On this topic, students of the 9th grade were consulted on the topic "the future is in my hands", and an illustrated dream map was created

Distance learning is an important call for children and parents, a strict test of the degree of independence and responsibility of children, the ability to organize and manage their own life, and the skills of educational and educational and cognitive act

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2021-03-26 08:06:13
Distance learning is an important call for children and parents, a strict test of the degree of independence and responsibility of children, the ability to organize and manage their own life, and the skills of educational and educational and cognitive activities. Students who are currently studying online, we recommend that you remember the" rules of distance learning"..  

On March 25, the day of Shimyrlyk and mastery in forming the value of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, physical maturity, responsible attitude to one's health, there were open-air walks, nature walks, cycling (skateboard, roller skating,

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2021-03-25 14:16:18
On March 25, the day of Shimyrlyk and mastery in forming the value of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, physical maturity, responsible attitude to one's health, there were open-air walks, nature walks, cycling (skateboard, roller skating, scooter), national games, which are an important component of preserving the national cultural values of the Kazakh people, competitions...

On March 15, within the framework of the 110th anniversary of Kasym Amanzholov, senior mentor Altynbek A.D. and geography teacher M. M. Karakpaeva took part in the regional competition "Tugan keler ali talai Kasym".

Category: Regional world of poetry" Zhyr Zhalyn", social and pedagogical project
Date: 2021-03-25 12:03:39
On March 15, within the framework of the 110th anniversary of Kasym Amanzholov, senior mentor Altynbek A.D. and geography teacher M. M. Karakpaeva took part in the regional competition "Tugan keler ali talai Kasym".

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