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16.02.2021 on the topic"prevention of Infectious Diseases" at 14:00, an epidemiologist of the AIDS Center Batyrbekova A. A., a social teacher Kanat took part in the competition among grades 8-11."I Don't Know," He Said."I don't know," he said, " but I'm s

Category: Әлеуметтік педагог
Date: 2021-02-17 10:26:00
16.02.2021 on the topic"prevention of Infectious Diseases" at 14:00, an epidemiologist of the AIDS Center Batyrbekova A. A., a social teacher Kanat took part in the competition among grades 8-11."I Don't Know," He Said."I don't know," he said, " but I'm sure it's a good idea."An online lecture was held on the ZOOM platform with the particip...

On February 15-19, the week of Physical Culture and health literacy "in the world of children's sports" was launched in the mini - Center "Balbobek" of the KSU 7 School - gymnasium named after S. Seifullin in Balkhash. According to the age characteristics

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2021-02-17 08:38:29
On February 15-19, the week of Physical Culture and health literacy "in the world of children's sports" was launched in the mini - Center "Balbobek" of the KSU 7 School - gymnasium named after S. Seifullin in Balkhash. According to the age characteristics of the children, morning exercises with breathing gymnastic elements were performed.With the participation of parent...

Talented students of our school took part in the XXV city competition"Zhas Kanat - 2021", held as part of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-02-17 08:35:52
Talented students of our school took part in the XXV city competition"Zhas Kanat - 2021", held as part of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the KSCP"cultural and entertainment center of Balkhash city "of the state institution" Department of culture and languages of Balkhash city " and won prizes.  The main prize was awarded to A...

Договор на услуги по организации питания из фонда всеобуча

Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру
Date: 2021-02-16 18:33:49
Договор на услуги по организации питания до подведение итогов конкурса

Договор на услуги по организации питания 1-2классов

Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру
Date: 2021-02-16 18:32:38
Договор на услуги по организации питания 1-2классов

Formation of the character of behavior inherent in the image of a girl throughout the life of girls. Psychological training was organized among girls in order to develop cultural speech skills, foster honesty, and friendship

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2021-02-16 16:50:52
Formation of the character of behavior inherent in the image of a girl throughout the life of girls. Psychological training was organized among girls in order to develop cultural speech skills, foster honesty, and friendship.

«ХХІ qasir – sauatti yrpak qasiri!» within the framework of the week was organized on jn January 22, the book exchange action «Bookcrossing». Grades 5-7 took an active part in the action, which is based on the «Read and recommed»principle.

Category: Кітапхана
Date: 2021-02-12 15:54:26
«ХХІ qasir – sauatti yrpak qasiri!» within the framework of  the week was organized on jn January 22, the book exchange action «Bookcrossing». Grades 5-7 took an active part in the action, which is based on the «Read and recommed»principle..

School Food

Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру
Date: 2021-02-12 15:47:38
School Food

Dear students! We invite you to take part in the contest!

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2021-02-11 15:01:56
Dear students! We invite you to take part in the contest!

Students of the 9th grade took part in the sample test at the Kazakhmys Polytechnic in Balkhash on the ZOOM platform, where the owner of the profession saw the profession of good specialists in their field, and their interest grew

Category: Professional sample
Date: 2021-02-11 14:45:39
Students of the 9th grade took part in the sample test at the Kazakhmys Polytechnic in Balkhash on the ZOOM platform, where the owner of the profession saw the profession of good specialists in their field, and their interest grew.


Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру
Date: 2021-02-11 12:20:49
Мектептегі тамақтандыру

Virtual tour of the museum

Category: "Сәкен музейі"
Date: 2021-02-11 10:01:32

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