
Link, the first call!

Category: News
Date: 2012-09-01 09:26:39
  September 1, 2012 in grammar school № 7proshlo celebrating the opening bell. The solemn celebration of the "First Call", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan's character came guests Beysekenov DM , head of the internal policy of the Balkhash and GV Kolesnikovа, Chairman of the Municipal Committee of Education and Science. Deputy director for educational work Alm...

The competition of drawings on the asphalt “Flourish, my Kazakhstan!”, devoted to the Day of the RK Constitution

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-01 06:32:19
The competition of drawings on the asphalt “Flourish, my Kazakhstan!”,  devoted to the Day of the RK Constitution
  The competition of drawings on the asphalt “Flourish, my Kazakhstan!”, devoted to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan Constitution was conducted on summer square of the Palace of Culture after M.Khamzin, 30.08.2012. Teams of pupils of primary classes of the town schools and children with limited possibilities were invited to the competition. 45 minutes were given to make w...
Author: Department

Information on the course of the action “Way to school”.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-01 05:03:36
Information on the course of the action “Way to school”.
  By the personal initiative of the city major, Nurlan Erikbayevich, on the 28.05.2012, the opportunity to watch a movie in the “Cinema” was given to 140 children from socially unprotected part of population and to 40 disabled children. On the 18th of August the major has presented invitational tickets to 60 happy children, so that they could see the show by the Russian circ...
Author: Department

Information about the conducted actions, devoted to Day of a city in children's pre-school institutions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-08-31 04:22:39
Information about the conducted actions, devoted to Day of  a city in children's pre-school institutions
  All planned activities were aimed at the formation of the polycultural personality of the child, the sense of patriotism, moral and spiritual upbringing of the young generation, creation of conditions for the realization of the young inhabitants of the feelings of an equal citizen of their city. In this event took an active part kindergartens «Ertostik», «Baldyrgan&r...
Author: Department

Informatizirovanie training

Category: News
Date: 2012-08-29 16:58:51
  August 28, 2012 in grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin was opened interactive touch panels, and dual-monitor multimedia digital podium.This equipment is the latest introduction in the program in the process of learning new information technologies.

In summer 2012

Category: News
Date: 2012-08-28 13:31:46
  In camp "Balausa", which was launched with the grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin, rested 100 students. School camp a recreational and educational work with children, to visit their school staring in the summer. First, the camp was given a rest for children 3 meals a day, daily exercises, tours of the city, in various entertainment venues. Traditional fun contests "Friendship...

August conference of town methodological sections

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-08-24 10:59:46
August conference of town methodological sections
  On the traditional eve of the august conference of teachers, meetings of town methodical sections under theme “The Modernization of educational system is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital” were held of teachers of elementary classes, teachers of naturally-mathematical direction, teachers of humanitarian subjects, history and law, teachers of technology,...
Author: Department

Information about August forum survey of educational workers in Karaganda region

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-08-24 04:24:27
  The first leaders of schools and educational workers of Balkhash town in on-line regime were shown the regional pedagogical forum of Karaganda region “The Modernization of educational system is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital” with the participation of regional Akim, guests from far abroad and the representative Ministry of education Sher R.P. on 21.08...
Author: Department

Olympiad is going on

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-08-21 11:48:33
Olympiad is going on
  On the 18th of August on the territory of School № 4 a solemn opening of the multifunctional court took place. The parade of the participants was greeted by the deputy of the Balkhash branch of the Nur Otan party M. Sekerbekova, by the manager of the town department of education, physical culture and sports Zh. Agdarbekova and by the director of school № 4 I. Storozhko. The participants...
Author: Department

Court, who gave joy to the children.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-08-21 11:41:54
Court, who gave joy to the children.
  August 18 on thesports field of grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin was officially opened multi courts. Hockey court opened Secretary maslikhat Rahimberlinoy KT Veteran school teacher Uteuova R.A.provela shashu rite. Also congratulatory remarks were made the principal Koybagarova RK Students from our school-gymnasium complete an open court beautiful songs and dances. School football team of...
Author: Department

Information on the web site on conducting of sport-mass actions, devoted to the Day of sport.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-08-21 11:25:37
Information on the web site on conducting of sport-mass actions, devoted to the Day of sport.
  The opening of 4 multifunctional hockey courts /lyceum №2, school №4, school №8, gymnasium №7/ was conducted on 18.08.2012, devoted to the Day of sport. The Akim’s substitude of the town B.K.Moldabayeva, the clerk of the town maslikhat K.T.Rakhimberlina, veterans of sport, sportsmen took part at the opening of multifunctional hockey courts. The Akim’s substitude of the t...
Author: Department

Internet – conference of officials of education in Balkhash town “Modernization of educational system – is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-08-21 11:12:02
Internet – conference of officials of education in Balkhash town “Modernization of educational system – is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital”
  16/08/2012 in lyceum №2 after Abai the town August Internet-conference took place for workers of education. In the conference took part: ·        Akim of the town Aubakirov N.E. ·     Director of the Institute of qualification increasing of pedagogical workers in Karaganda region Kontaev S.S.; ·   &nb...
Author: Department

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