
Literature Club invites… The party was about Russian poet S.A.Esenina …

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-30 03:23:08
Literature Club invites… The party was about Russian poet S.A.Esenina …
The party was about  Russian poet S.A.Esenina in 22.04.2013. The pupils of  8-11 classes were written in different period about S.A.Esenina. The pupils was shown a beautiful  Russian nature, a beautiful of words, the love of poet to native land.  The pupils of  9 class Toleubai Nurdos  and the pupil of 8 class    TanirbergenovaAidanaweresingingabout&la...
Author: Department

Literature Club invites… «In every age has it’s Pushkin»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-30 03:17:29
Literature Club invites… «In every age has it’s Pushkin»
The poems of Pushkin we know from an early age, but  through any time  we open to ourselves magic world  of  his poetry and we amaze more and more to it’s cleanness, distinctness. Literature evenings became traditional in town schools.               «In every age has it’s Pushkin»- so we...
Author: Department

Student achievement - the result of the work of teachers

Category: News
Date: 2013-04-29 05:01:56
  According to the results of the 47th subject Olympiad 2012 - 2013 school year, 35 students of grammar school number 7 S.Seifullin took prizes. Among the innovative schools in our grammar school took third place in the team and was awarded the certificate.Students who took the first place was awarded to meritorious deeds and digital cameras. It's our students: the Kazakh language Alt...

Military and sports relay "Ұлан"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-29 04:24:04
Military and sports relay
On April 24 in 2013 military and sports relay "Ұлан" passed among pupils of schools of the city of Balkhash devoted to the 68th   anniversary of the Great Victory, the 21st  anniversary of the armed force of Republic of Kazakhstan. On solemn opening there were veterans "A fighting brotherhood of war at Afghanistan", city Department of Defense, veterans of  ...
Author: Department

"Kitap-bіzdің dosymyz"

Category: News
Date: 2013-04-27 07:17:23
Ingrammar school № 7 S.Seifullin evening was "Kitap-bіzdіңdosymyz" dedicated to the International Children's Book Day. The purpose of the evening was the rise of interest in reading, careful attitude to the book, teaching reading culture, education moral qualities. Organized exhibitions of books "Balalarғabazarlyқ" and "Әdemіbetbelgіlerі." In the evening, man...

"First Steps" regional competition Children's Art Festival

Category: News
Date: 2013-04-24 05:22:12
  On April 10, 2013goda in Karaganda, a festival of choreography competition for the nomination pupils mini center "Balbobek" came out on third place received diplomas. Dance "Barbariki" performed by a group of girls' Aigolek "

"Welcoming guests from the TV channel" Khabar "

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-24 03:22:40
 The subject of "self-discovery" gives us an opportunity to show the kids what a "good" and what is "bad" to be responsible for their actions, to love others and respect their feelings and help people. With a visit to visit our kindergarten "Er Tоstіk" journalists are the "Khabar". They visited the class on "self-discovery" and f...
Author: Department

Information about results of the regional pedagogical olympiads in 2012-2013 school years "To the gifted pupil – the talented teacher"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-23 05:49:06
Information about results of the regional pedagogical olympiads in 2012-2013 school years
On April 16-17,in 2012-2013 in the city of Karaganda there passed the IV regional pedagogical olympiads "To the gifted pupil – the talented teacher", the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of school №17 Abdrakhmanova Alisabecame prize-winner. And also the group  "Zerda" of school of a gymnasium № 7 named by  SakenSeifullin – won the Grand Prix...
Author: Department

"A talented teacher and gifted children"

Category: News
Date: 2013-04-23 05:46:19
Team"Zerde"grammar schoolnumber7S.Seifullinparticipatedin the regionaleducationalcompetitionand came back witha victory, winning the Grand Prix.The competition was heldbetween the9schools ofthe area.The teamincludesstudents10AClass: ZhumabaiI.,ZhappargalyN.,IsakA.,A.Agimbay, TlepaldyA.,D.Zhetibaeva. The team had togo throughfivestages.Each performancewas followed byaudienceapplause, as...

Intellectual game "Zerek Bala"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-22 04:29:54
Intellectual game
April 16 was held the urban intellectual game "Zerek Bala" for pre-school children in the Kazakh and Russian languages. The main aim and objective of the intellectual game, maintain and strengthen cognitive learning motivation pre-school children, expanding the range of activities aimed at demonstrating intellectual abilities of children of preschool age. Kindergarten "Kunshuak&qu...
Author: Department

Knowledge comes true in kindergarten.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-04-18 09:22:18
Knowledge comes true in kindergarten.
All children in kindergarten the different:  one cheerful also skip without an uderzhka, and others like to sit in an ugolochka and for hours to consider the book.  But on the city intellectual game "Zerek of a Ball" which passed on April 16 2013, the cleverest gathered in Er Tоstіk preschool institution, the most resourceful which showed all the intellectual knowledge and...
Author: Department


Date: 2013-04-15 06:19:51
  Сәуір айының 6  жұлдызынан бастау алған «Балқаш жоғары мәдениеттіліктің қаласы» бағдарламасы аясында қалалық акция болып өтті.Акцияның мақсаты:қаламыз таза әрі көрікті болуы үшін бір кісідей атсалысу.Әр мектеп өздеріне бөлінген жерлерде акция жүргізді. Акцияға мектебіміздің 9 «А» сыныптан 25  оқушы қатысып, «Вална» «Рынок», &la...

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