
The school continues decade of foreign languages.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-27 09:17:50
The school continues  decade of foreign languages.
The schoolcontinues  decade of foreign languages​​. Today, February 27 in the intellectual game "Smartest" met the strongest pupils  grades 7-8 - connoisseurs of  Russian and English languages. Intellectual game consisted of six rounds. In this game, the most intelligent and resourceful witty lovers of Russian and English languages ​​were pupilsMurzabekova Laura,  T...

17.02.2014 number of general secondary school number 24 held a meeting with veterans Afganskoy war on "On hot spots Avgana."

Category: New
Date: 2014-02-27 03:22:09
17.02.2014 number of general secondary school number 24 held a meeting with veterans Afganskoy war on
  Purpose: To honor the participants Afvganskoy war, to honor their heroism, lift their spirits, foster patriotic feelings for his native land, love of people and homeland. At a meeting at a party has been a resident of the station Balkhash War veteran Afganskoy Ayazbayev Murat Zholdasbayuly.  
Author: School №24

The drawing competition called "No drugs" was held amount 7th - 9th grades.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-27 03:08:10
 The  drawing competition called
The  drawing competition called"No drugs" was held amount 7th - 9th  grades. The event aim was to generate a healthy lifestyle. Participants were awarded with certificates in the following categories "The Best Artist", "The talented artist", "The most creative artist."

1ә - Ашық сабақ

Date: 2014-02-26 07:01:45
Күні: 21.02.14ж 1 «Ә» сыныбы .     Дүниетану Сабақтың тақырыбы:  Жаз Сабақтың мақсаты:   1.  Балаларға мезгіл туралы түсінік беру, жаз мезгіліндегі                                &nbs...
Author: School №5

Қазақстан Президенті Нұрсұлтан Назарбаевтың «Қазақстан жолы - 2050: Бір мақсат, бір мүдде, бір болашақ» Жолдауына

Date: 2014-02-26 06:46:42
         Биылғы жылы қазақстандықтардың тағатсыз күтіп отырған Елбасының Жолдауы 17 қаңтарда жарияланды. Қоғам өзгеріске ұшыраған сайын мемлекеттің де заңдары, қаулылары және жыл сайынғы Жолдау өзгеріске, жаңашылдыққа бетбұрыс жасап отырады. Жолдауды басынан бастап, соңына дейін тыңдадық. Ондағы Елбасымыздың халықты бір арнаға ұйытып, адамзат алдындағы мәс...
Author: School №5

Елбасының Жолдауын бірге қолдаймыз!

Date: 2014-02-26 06:45:58
                    Елбасының  Жолдауын бірге қолдаймыз!    №5 орта мектептің 9-сынып оқушылары  Елбасының  жолдауын талқылап, Президент қойған міндеттерді жүзеге асыруға дайындықтарын білдірді.  Президент Нұрсұлтан Назарбаевтың «Мәңгілік ел» болу мұратын...
Author: School №5

Russian language activities for 3rd grades pupils.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-25 10:50:21
Russian language activities for 3rd grades pupils.
24.02.14  Russian language and literature teachers Kazangapova R. and Usserbaeva Z. held extracurricular Russian language activities for 3rd grades pupils. The purpose of the game was forming creative abilities and to heighten interest in this subject. According to the results, 3A team took the 1st place.  Тhe team members were awarded with certificate.

13.02.2014г. at high school № 8 the celebration, to the devoted 25th anniversary of a withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan took place

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-02-25 07:24:05
13.02.2014г. at high school № 8 the celebration, to the devoted 25th anniversary of a withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan took place
13.02.2014г. at high school № 8 the celebration, to the devoted 25th anniversary of a withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan took place. On a celebration Farkhat Malikovich and veterans of the Afghan war Nurgaliyeva Lyazat Mubarakovna, Mukhamediyev Bauyrzhan Meyіrkhanovich, Miglazov Igor Vladimirovich participated. At firstwas military patriotic competition among cadet classes, then there...
Author: School №8

"Jas Ulan" were taken pupils of 5 classes.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-25 05:02:55
February 21at the secondary school №15in the ranks of teenage and children's community "Umit" united national organization "Jas Ulan" were taken pupils of 5classes. Quantity accepted disciples - 59. Right tie ties and attach icon was given the deputy director on educational work Abylaikhanov  Bekaidar Murathanovich and pupils of seventh grades.

The competition “Happy family – happy country”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-24 06:11:50
The competition “Happy family – happy country”
The competition “Happy family – happy country” was conducted among pupils of the 2nd classes within the ten days primary classes. The winners of the competition were awarded with prizes and grateful letters.   

Representatives of the Karaganda Economic University.

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-24 05:43:01
Representatives of the Karaganda Economic University.
Representatives of the Karaganda Economic University.   At the end of January in the city school representative came from the Karaganda Economic University. She briefed the students about all the directions in this university.

1 “ B” classes conducted open lesson on the theme «My Pet» .

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-24 03:39:27
1 “ B”  classes  conducted  open   lesson on the theme «My Pet»  .
22.02.2014 y  teacher of  English language Sartayeva A.T with pupils   1“ B”  classes  conducted  open   lesson on the theme «My Pet».

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