
Extracurricular event on a theme the "Intellectual small box"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-12-02 11:49:14
Extracurricular event on a theme the
 Оn an extracurricular event was Decembers, 2 conducted for students 3-4 classes, the aim of that was - to teach students, work in a command,  decide non-standard tasks. There are students in this event  knew  interesting and unusual facts from history of creation of compass, танграма and life of animals.  Students fourth class played  role of not only participa...

Connoisseurs of Russian

Category: school news
Date: 2014-12-02 10:04:45
Connoisseurs  of Russian
Оn November, 25 within the framework of Week of initial classes  among students  3 "Б" and 3 "В"  of classes  by the teacher of Ainekova S.А.  the tournament of "Connoisseurs  of Russian" was conducted. Guys guessed riddles, proverbs and phraseological units,  antonyms and homonyms found. In the end groups was коллажи  is made...

On 28th of November at palace of Metallurgists was held a contest, dedicated to the First President’s Day named “Менің Тұңғыш Президентім”, the aim was to bring up in pupils a sense of patriotism.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-02 08:42:01
On 28th of November at palace of Metallurgists was held a contest, dedicated to the First President’s Day named “Менің Тұңғыш Президентім”, the aim was to bring up in pupils a sense of patriotism.
On 28th of November at palaceof Metallurgists was held a contest, dedicated to the First President’s Day named “Менің Тұңғыш Президентім”, the aim was to bring up in pupils a sense of patriotism. On this contest took part 13 pupils from different schools. According to the resultsof the competition, the I place took pupil of 11 “A” grade A.Omirbaev. During the even...

29.11.2014. in a large school gym solemn ruler devoted to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-02 07:46:46
29.11.2014. in a large school gym solemn ruler devoted to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Objective: Introduction of students with the life and political activity of the First President of Kazakhstan, Н.A Nazarbayev, patriotic education of the younger generation. education in children a sense of deep respect for the head of state, - promoting patriotism, pride in their country, love for his native land, his native land. The official part of the event anthem of the Republic of Kazak...

Балқаш қаласының 2014-2015 оқу жылында өтілген қалалық дебаттық сайысқа №5 орта мектебінің қатысқаны туралы ақпар

Category: Балқаш қаласының 2014-2015 оқу жылында өтілген қалалық дебаттық сайысқа №5 орта мектебінің қатысқаны туралы ақпар
Date: 2014-12-02 04:26:36
29.10 .2014 ж  Академик Ж.Ақылбаевтың Балқаш маңызды білім беру колледжіне қалалық Жастар бастамашылдығы орталығының қолдауымен, әскери патриоттық «Жас Ұлан» жастар аула клубының жетекшісі Ж.Жетпісованың ұйымдастырыуымен қалалық пікірталтық күзгі турнирі өтті.Сәрсенбіде өткен пікір-сайыс турнирінде 14 команда және қаланың колледж студенттерінен 3 команда қатысты. Турнир мектеп о...
Author: School №5

Class hour on the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: New
Date: 2014-12-02 04:23:04
Class hour on the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
December 28 to boarding school №24 was held class hour on "Ұltyn ұlyқtaғan uly tulga" posveschenny the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the class hours to provide information about the President N.Ә. Nazarbayev, to love their country, to take an example from our leader. Homeroom consisted of 5 parts. In the first part of "Omir өrnegі" s...
Author: School №24

Information about the work done by OSSH№24 devoted to the 20 - anniversary of the Convention "On the Rights of the Child" "Childhood without violence!"

Category: New
Date: 2014-12-02 04:15:46
Information about the work done by OSSH№24 devoted to the 20 - anniversary of the Convention
20 November the whole world celebrated the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. What children know about their rights? Able to do to protect them? What problems they find most important? What kind of success achieved by Kazakhstan over 20 years in the implementation of the Convention and to improve the situation of children and families? What problems are most releva...
Author: School №24

Гәкку- 2014

Category: Балқаш қаласының 2014-2015 оқу жылында өтілген қалалық Күләш Байсейітованың 100 жылдығына арнап ұйымдастырлған қалалық «Гәкку» байқауыны №5 орта мектебінің қатысқаны туралы ақпар.
Date: 2014-12-02 03:41:35
07.11.2014 күні Оқушылар сарайында Күләш Байсейітованың 100 жылдығына арнап ұйымдастырлған қалалық «Гәкку» байқауы өтті. Оған қала мектептерінің жас әншілері барлығы қатысты. 14 мектеп қатысты.  Мақсаты:Оқушыларды халық әндерін айтып қастерлеуге үйрету. Оқушылардың сахналық шығармашылығын дамыту. Халық әндерін орындау арқылы Күләш Байсейтованың шығармашылығымен етене танысу....
Author: School №5

On November, 28 there was a forum called "The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan - 2050" among of 7th -8th grades.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 10:11:08
On November, 28 there was  a forum called
On November, 28 there was  a forum called "The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan - 2050" among of 7th -8th  grades. The aim of the forum isto inform students about new Message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev, to form understanding of aims pointed  in the Message, to develop patriotism and tolerance. Students shared their thoughts about the fut...

28 November 2014 among 7 - classes organized "round table" "Алтай-қобда қазақтарының ұраны болған Жәнібек батыр", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the legendary Kazakh knight, commander of the XVIII century.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 10:07:43
28 November 2014 among 7 - classes organized
28 November 2014among 7 - classes organized "round table" "Алтай-қобда қазақтарының ұраны болған Жәнібек  батыр",dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the legendary Kazakh knight, commander of the XVIII century. Objective: To get in touch with the history of the state, to know the depth, integrity, heroism of the Kazakh people, its colorful personalities who have made a...

«There is no way the violent and tiranizm» were competitions in write an essay among of 7th -8th grades.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 10:03:18
Тhe following studentstook prizesat the end ofthe competition. 1st place7Аgrade  OlzhataevYerzhan 2st place7Вgrade  KusainovaSvetlana,8Аgrade  SerіkbayAygerіm 3st place7Аgrade   SatybaldyMahabbat,8Аgrade   ҮkіbayMeyіrzhan

On 24.11-01.12.2014 “My first President” was conducted the competition of compositions among 6-10 grades in the eve of the First President at the school-lyceum №15.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 09:58:54
My first President” was conducted the competition of compositions among 6-10 grades in the eve of the First President which was organized by G.A.Serikova and G.B.Saparova. The aim: to develop pupils’ patriotism to their nation and land, to respect our president. By the results of the competition:   6-7th grades: grand-Prix: Mukhatai Amanrakhim – 6G the I place : Su...

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