
"Street without drugs"

Category: Нашақорлыққа жол жоқ!
Date: 2015-09-17 10:58:42
15.09.15-17.09.15inlinguisticschool №16 held a three-day action "Street without drugs." The students participated in the planned events and showed their aversion to drugs and the desire to live a healthy lifestyle.           
Author: School №16

Competition «Young family of year»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-09-17 06:38:41
Competition «Young family of year»
      In the 15th of September was a competition of «Мерейлі отбасы» in the palace of Khamzina. From our garden of «Zhuldyz» take part family of Sabanbaev. Our garden has taken a place. It was fun.
Author: Department

INFORMATION o provedenïïy of the week "The idea of the family" wçrejdenïyax Education

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-09-17 06:33:32
INFORMATION  o provedenïïy of the week
                 Ordered planw meroprïyatïy and order, lower education, wçetom metodïçeskïx Control rekomendacïy Education organïzacïyax Education proşla week "Family idea."  Celyu formation wvajenïya Development and love Family feelings of collectivis...
Author: Department

Information on a meeting with veterans of education Balkhash

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-16 12:48:14
Information on a meeting with veterans of education Balkhash
16.09.2015 years in the assembly hall of school - lyceum 15 there took place the meeting with veterans of formation of our city. At a meeting there was a vice-chairman of Balkhash city branch of Nur Otan party Sekerbekova B. M., the deputy head of city department of education Kuanyshbayev A. K., veterans of pedagogical work Syzdykova Sh. R., Shvedov R. S., Tsyganyuk N. I. Action purpose: to te...

Information about the events dedicated to the Day of family.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-15 15:26:37
Information about the events dedicated to the Day of family.
Purpose: formation of a succession of generations, respect for elders, care for children, the tradition of mutual support, strengthen family values. 11.09. organized a book exhibition "My favorite book of my family" theme decorated booth. With 09.0.9- at 15.09 2-10 grade students participated in the design of photo collage. The best works were awarded with diplomas. Among the pupils...

The action “Give a book to a library!”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-09-15 08:59:59
The action “Give a book to a library!”
       With the aim of activization of effective and qualitative work of school libraries on involvement children for reading, the action “Give a book to a library!” started at all educational organizations from the 10th of September to the 30th of October, 2015.          There are books, textbooks, interesting magazines...
Author: Department

Holiday of work!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-09-15 04:51:35
Holiday of work!
         In Palace of schoolchildren  of September, 13, 2015 traditional Day of the unclosed doors passed for children and parents. More than 1500 children and adults visited the creative associations of Palace. Became acquainted with different directions of choreographic collectives, by the studios of the vocal singing and to playing the musical instruments. Opened...

Social partnership

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-09-15 04:26:41
  Social partnership
                    Executing recommendations of the August conference of workers of formation of the Karaganda area "Updating of maintenance of education : reference-points on the future" of КГКП "Palace of schoolchildren" takes measure on the increase of scope of children and teenagers by additional education through integra...

Information on the solemn line,devoted to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-14 13:11:19
Information on the solemn line,devoted to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.
Objective: To deepen students' knowledge on the history of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate and the activities of the first Kazakh khans Kerey and Zhanibek. Education of the Kazakhstan patriotism and respect for the historical past of their state;     The Library organized a book exhibition on the 1st floor features an information stand. Also showing movies was "Kazak...

"The role of the family in a child's life" рarent meeting

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-14 10:31:35
09/11/2015. "The role of the family in a child's life" held a meeting with parents. A total of 180 parents gathered and "Hospital number 2 in the city of Balkhash" is number 2 Hospital pediatrician Sakenova Sakenovna Madina, "the Department of Emergency Situations of the city of Balkhash" senior lieutenant Bolatovich Assylbek Merkeev. Considered on the age...

"Language Week"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-09-14 08:36:33
From 14 to 19.09. №8 in the SNR will be "Languages Week." On September 19 grand opening line, posyaschennoy "Language Week" and 170- anniversary A.Kunanbaeva. Opening remarks were given by the head of public-humanitarian cycle Ozhhanovoy O. and G.K.Sartaevoy. At the solemn meeting devoted to the opening of the Week of languages of Kazakhstan school students recited poems and...
Author: School №8

Денсаулық күні

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-09-13 08:44:29
Денсаулық күні
Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің  01-05.09.15ж  аралығында  өткізілген денсаулық күніне арналған іс-шаралар ақпары Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінде  5-6 сыныптар  аралығында   «Денің сау болсын десең, спортпен шұғылдан!» тақырыбында  әңгіме сағаты өткізілді.Мектептің бірінші қабатында «Денің сау болсын десең,спортпен шұғы...
Author: School №5

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