
"100 words in English"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-11 05:40:01
November 9th, 2015 among students 3A Ә, Class B was a competition "100 words in English." The organizers of the competition have been an English teacher Ospanov Ainagul Smaylkanovna and Myrzagalieva Symbat Rahimovna. The competition consisted of three sections, was conducted in three languages. According to the rules of the contest, participants were divided into group II, they gave th...
Author: School №8

Give the library a book

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-11 04:38:57
Give the library a book
By decision of the municipal department of education at the school-lyceum №15 traditionally held the action "Give the library a book" in order to replenish the library book fund and instilling a love of reading, respect for the book. In all classes schoolwide lineup handed school librarian collected books. The largest number of books brought from the home library, students 2 "A&qu...

Regional seminar "Research Action -praktika teacher."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-10 09:59:16
Regional seminar
November 6 in the city of Karaganda held a regional seminar "Research Action -praktika teacher." The seminar is organized by the Center of Karaganda pedagogical skills in conjunction with the Department of Education and Training of the Karaganda region - methodical center of development of education of the Karaganda region, and is an independent link postkursovogo support graduate trai...

National games "Бәйге"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-09 10:13:23
          07.11.2015 year at the Palace of schoolchildren held a competition of national games "Бәйге", which was attended by students of 5-6 grades. As a result, our team won the 1st place and the pupil 5A class Rashat Eldos awarded the nomination "Eң  жүйрік".

KVN «Өмірге шырайлы күлкімен қадам бас»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-09 10:06:31
KVN «Өмірге шырайлы күлкімен қадам бас»
07.11.2015 in the palace school held games KVN «Өмірге шырайлы күлкімен қадам бас». Games consist of 2 stages: Stage 1 "Business Card" - performed by the team, 2-stage: "Live on the bright side" - Musical homework. Participants from our school - Lyceum was the team of  «Лицей жастары» On stage, all teams showed an interesting and fun game. At the...

"Look at life with a smile" Club cheerful and resourceful.

Category: New
Date: 2015-11-09 08:34:11
November 7 in the "Schoolchildren's Palace Balkhash" among teenagers held game KVN "Өmіrge shyrayly kүlkіmen қadam bass." The game was attended by all interested schools, showed his talent. Team ssh№24 "Old Citi» won an honorable II place. The audience expressed their sympathy and gratitude. The game was very interesting. The children were very proud to win.
Author: School №24

"Golden Autumn" matinee

Category: New
Date: 2015-11-09 08:14:09
The small center was Aybөbek matinee "Golden Autumn". The purpose matinee: To acquaint students with the gifts of autumn, to learn to distinguish fruits and vegetables. Explain the value of the fall, as a symbol of the harvest festival. Foster a sense of respect for and protection of nature. Leading was Rahymzhanova Arai, Queen of autumn Serikbekova Elmira, queen of fruits Abdrashev N...
Author: School №24


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-11-09 07:07:33
        5-7, November, 2015 there were competitions on volleyball  between the school teachers of the city in the school-lyceum №15, devoted to the Day of the First President of Kazahstan. The competitions were held at a high level with the participation of 12 teams of the city schools. The education department methodist Rakhimov Farhat Malikovich congratulated the par...
Author: Department

VII «Шоқ жұлдыз» фестивалі

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-07 10:48:08
VII   «Шоқ жұлдыз»  фестивалі
7 - қараша күні мектеп – лицейімізде  оқушылардың өнерін, көркем шығармаларын  дамыту  мақсатында дәстүрге айналғанVII   «Шоқ жұлдыз»  фестивалі  өтті. Фестивалге  1 – 4 сынып оқушылары қатысты.  Осы оқушылардың ішінен өнерлі, талантты  шәкірттер озып шығып,  жүлделі орындарға ие болды.

Competition "Golden Autumn"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-07 10:17:00
Competition was held on November 6 "Golden Autumn" among students in grades 5-7. The purpose of the competition: to raise the respect and love of nature, to deepen students' knowledge about the history of his native land, areas. --Konkurs Took place in three stages. Stage 1: learn the history of this area. Stage 2: to sing a song well-known authors of the same area. Stage 3: to...

Театр күні

Category: Театр күні
Date: 2015-11-07 04:35:49
Театр күні
  «Ертегі еліне саяхат» сурет байқауы бірінші сынып арасында          Ертегі «Үш  аю» даярлық тобы             Мәнерлеп оқу сайысы 5-6 сынып арасында «Өлең, мен сені аялап өтемін»
Author: School №16

"Бес ғасыр шежіресі" конференциясы

Category: Конференция
Date: 2015-11-04 05:37:09
«БЕС ҒАСЫР ШЕЖІРЕСІ»                Алматы облысының білім басқармасы мемлекеттік мекемесінің «Әдістемелік кабинеті» Қарағанды, Павлодар, Шығыс Қазақстан облыстарының білім басқармаларының 2013-2015 жылдарға арналған ынтымақтастық жөнінде іс-шаралар жоспарына сәйкес, 2015 жылдың 30 қазанында Қазақ ха...
Author: School №16

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