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Journey into the world of foreign poetry

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-12 09:19:43
Journey into the world of foreign poetry
 March 11 in school-lyceum № 15 in anticipation of the regional project "Оқу шаттығы" and the holiday March 20 international day of la Francophonie organization held a school event on the theme «Шет тілдер әдебиет әлеміне саяхат». The aim of this event was to develop students interest in hudožetsvennoj literature, as well as improve their aesthetic preference. Students...

Information about the conducted pedagogical council of theme "Pedagogical ethics"

Category: New
Date: 2016-03-12 08:57:04
Information about the conducted pedagogical council of theme
11.03.2016 at GU Pedagogical School №24 took advice on the theme "Teaching Ethics", "Requirements for mandatory school uniforms in educational institutions", "Rules for classroom management in educational institutions." On the teachers' council attended by the entire staff of teachers, educators mini-center. According to the health of absent teachers D.N.Samb...
Author: School №24

Information about the conducted event at high school 5 on 05.03.2016 devoted to the International woman day of March, 8

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-03-10 09:50:15
On March 5 at 9:30 in our school there was taken place the sporting event “Әке, Шеше және мен”. In  these sporting event pupils of 4,5,6 classes and their parents took part. Each team have presented their emblems. The team of the 4 A form “Жүйріктер”Адамбаев К, 4 Ә «Бірлік тобы» Мусабеков Н, 5Ә «Тұлпар» Аубакирова Ә, 6 А «Қыран&raqu...
Author: School №5

Panorama of open lessons of natural objects

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-10 09:27:04
Panorama of open lessons of natural objects
                    Seminar "Leadership is a guarantee of social personality"      For the teachers of geography a seminar was organized "Leadership is a guarantee of social personality". Teachers actively worked in groups. Теоретичекая part of seminar  was accompanied  by practice.   &nb...
Author: Department

Panorama of open lessons on the articles of naturally-mathematical direction

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-10 09:16:43
Panorama of open lessons on the articles of naturally-mathematical direction
     1.    on February, 24, 2016 teacher of physics of школ-интерната №conducted 3  Рымкулова of Г.  open lesson in a 9 class on a theme "Radio-activity".  A lesson passed interesting and cognitive.   2.      n February, 25, 2016 teacher  of biology of сш №16 Балкеева Н. conducted an open lesson  in...
Author: Department

Аналар мен әжелер мерекесі!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-03-10 03:29:20
Аналар мен әжелер мерекесі!
               Мінекей, қысқы ұзақ күндерді күн сәулесімен көктем мезгілі аламастырды. Балалардың асыға күтіп, дайындалған көктемнің ең шырайлы мерекесі 8 наурыз да келіп жетті.                 «Шапағат» және «Шуғыла» клубтарында 8 наурызға арналған ертеңгіліктер өтті. Балалар аналары м...

"A Come on, girls!"

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-10 03:07:41
  In school- gymnasium of №7 S.Seifullin held a competition among the girls of 6-7 classes on the day of International Women's Day on 8 March, on the theme "A Come on, girls!". Organizers: Kanatbekova Gulden Altynbekovna and Satbekova Batima Daniyarovna .    At the end of the competition the first place was taken by a pupil of class 6A Aidos Togzhan, 2nd plac...

Information on the festive event «Ана – өмір шуағы!» dedicated to the 8th of March!

Category: New
Date: 2016-03-10 02:15:28
Information on the festive event «Ана – өмір шуағы!» dedicated to the 8th of March!
Objective: To teach children to respect and appreciate mothers, foster respect for elders, and be an example of a junior.             Among 1-9 classes was an exhibition of collages titled "Ayaulym yes, Altyn Nurly marijuana." Students made collages and slide films with their mothers.       &nbs...
Author: School №24

Аналар мерекесіне арналған ертеңгілік

Category: New
Date: 2016-03-10 02:14:11
Аналар мерекесіне арналған ертеңгілік
2016 жылдың наурыз айының 5 күні  «Айбөбек» шағын дамыту орталығындакөктемнің ең шуақты мерекесі аналар мерекесіне арналған «Айналайын ақ анам» атты ертеңгілік болып өтті. Ертеңгілік ата-аналар мен балабақша ұжымының қатысуымен өтті. «Ана жүрегі», «Көбелектер биі», «Гүлдер биі»билері үлкен шеберліктерін көрсетті.Ұлдармен...
Author: School №24

Mothers for the holiday matinee

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 14:01:27
Mothers for the holiday matinee
CSE “School- lyceum №15” mini – center “Tanshuak” on the 02.03 - 03.03. 2016 years conducted the morning performance in the “Kyzgaldak”, “Raushan” and “Tuimedak”groups in honor of Women's International Day. The children congratulatedtheir mother and presented their gifts.

Dear and beloved mother!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 13:52:47
Dear and beloved mother!
07.03.2016 at the auditorium of the forum was "Ayaulym yes, Altyn Nurly Analar!" Dedicated to the International Women's Day on 8 March. The aim of the forum was to encourage students to respect our dear mothers and grandmothers, to learn to treat them with love, strengthen relationships, learn from their example of such qualities as respect, understanding, wisdom and understanding....

Mother-principle of life

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 13:46:49
Mother-principle of life
07.03.2016 4 classes, the students have written congratulatory letters and postcards with words of greetings such as for example: "Good day to you," "You are the most beautiful," "You are the most intelligent," "We love you," and gave them to the teachers of the school. During the first shift solemn line on which expensive school teachers conducted class...

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