
Наурыз думан – 2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-25 09:55:37
Наурыз думан – 2016
The team of school-lyceum participated in yurt "Most beautiful yurt» purpose of competition:-the study of the history of its people, traditions and customs.  With interior decoration of  yurts  introduced socio-humanitarian Department. The group performed "Шабыт" dombra kyi Kurmangazy "Adai", grandmother Tursynbekova Zagira guests handed out sweets a...

Contest " Наурызға көрік берген,сұлу сән "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-25 09:21:57
In the  22.03.2016 v. contest "Наурызға көрік берген,сұлу сән". On behalf of educational institutions took part in the competition, educators and the disciples. In this section-"Ана көрген тон пішер" were: Presenters:Tutkysh A.Zh., Toleuhanova Zh.B. Granny:Bidaybekova A.E., Tergeubaeva K.A. Bride::Rahimberlina A.N., Zhumabaeva K.K. The young lady:Zhumazhanova M...

XI Republican competition of research works and creative projects "zerde"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-25 09:16:29
XI Republican competition of research works and creative projects
In the educational and Health Center «Baldauren» Shuchinsk city hosted the XI Republican competition of research works and creative projects "zerde" for pupils of 1-7 classes. The aim of the competition: to stimulate intellectual creativity and cognitive interests of children, improving them research abilities, skills training behavior with early school years.  Their r...

Celebration of holiday of spring is in a kindergarten «Baldurgan»

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2016-03-24 04:40:43
Celebration of holiday of spring is in a kindergarten «Baldurgan»
Under the direction of educators of senior group: G. Tysypbekova, A. Nadirbekova «Nayriz – dyman!», educators are in a middle group: A. Boganova, A. Rahimova «Nayriz koktem,gur-duman»,educators junior group:B.Darkeeva,B.Ospanbekova, A.Gumasheva,Y. Oralbek a measure was organized on a theme : «Koshkeldin, AzNayriz!» was pleased to many. Tradition that wer...

"Kazakhstan patriotism: the idea, the problems of formation".

Date: 2016-03-23 09:11:39
March 15, 2016, the school held a meeting of advocacy groups for prevention of religious extremism and terrorism with students of classes 9 and 10 attended the meeting and made a speech: chief specialist of municipal institution "centre for the study and analysis of problems of the interfaith relations of Balkhash town" Beisembekov A., specialist KSU resource center Medeubaev A. O., se...
Author: School №10

March 8 - Women's day

Date: 2016-03-23 09:09:45
March 8 - Women's day
7 March 2016 our school held a celebration of International women's day. The male half of the staff in the morning met a women with balls and cards. Students prepared a festive program, which presented songs, dances, humorous skits. The guys tried really hard and the mood in the team was top notch.
Author: School №10

Information school about 10 events organized to celebrate the Day of gratitude 1 March 2016.

Date: 2016-03-23 09:05:19
Information school about 10 events organized to celebrate the Day of gratitude 1 March 2016.
On 26 February a meeting of Council leaders, meeting with teachers, which were informed about the Day of gratitude, on the activities scheduled for that day. At the stand of the "School planet" feature topic "1st March – a Day of gratitude", in the library book exhibition "Kazak else tagzym". On March 1 held a solemn line "In a single family". The...
Author: School №10

Nauryz Holiday

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-03-20 09:03:26
Nauryz Holiday
 17-18 March 2016, students and teachers of the school are celebrating Nowruz.  The purpose of the festival: the formation of students' patriotism and tolerance, the formation and development of the individual pupils on the basis of national and universal values. Foster respect for the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. To develop the idea of ​​the variety of folk art cu...
Author: School №8

24 орта мектебінде бойынша «Наурыз мейрамы-2016» мерекесіне арналған іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2016-03-20 03:20:39
24 орта мектебінде бойынша  «Наурыз мейрамы-2016» мерекесіне арналған іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат
Мақсаты:   Қазақтың ұлттық мейрамы Наурызды  кеңінен насихаттай отырып, оқушыларды  ұлтжандылыққа , мейірімділікке тәрбиелеу және  халқымыздың салт – дәстүрі ,   әдеп – ғұрыптарымен  таныстыра отырып , халықтық дәстүрді дәріптеуге баулу.  «Наурыз – жаңа күн, жаңа өмірдің бастауы» тақырыбындағы оқу кабинеттерін безендіру...
Author: School №24

Сompetition "Ер сұлтан мен ақ ару"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-19 12:42:02
18.03.2016 h. 15.00 in the Auditorium of school-lyceum pupils in class 9 was held the traditional competition  "Ер сұлтан мен ақ ару" Objective: to foster in students an attitude of respect for the traditions and customs of the peoples, expand their horizons, and create the need for cognition and foster a love of their country, the history of their country and its people. At the...

Сompetition " Жігітке жеті өнерде аз"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-19 12:38:28
March 18 on the eve of the spring holiday Nauryz participation in the 7-8classes was a competition " Жігітке жеті өнерде аз" . At the end of the contest grand prize - won at Khasen N 1st place – Sapar E 7B classes 2nd place – Token B 8V classes 3rd place – Bakut N 8B classes  

Еthnic competition “Дарабоз”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-19 12:35:37
Еthnic competition “Дарабоз”
 18.03.2016year CSE “School-lyceum №15”   mini-center “Tanshuak” conducted ethnic competition “Дарабоз”. In the competition took part the children ofpreparatory groups. The children showed their abilities, sang songs and danced.      

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